To genealogists, cemeteries contain some of the most valuable and personal information available about ancestors. Every day older cemeteries and family burial grounds are lost to nature and the history they contain is gone forever. Even for current cemeteries, records are sometimes hard to locate and have not kept up with other online resources. Often when the information is available it is incomplete and impersonal. Our goal with this project is to catalog each cemetery in Berne and post the information online in a personal and dignified manner. The Cemetery Project members will locate each cemetery and provide the following information:
- The name, address, descriptive location, GPS coordinates, known history and current condition of the cemetery.
- The name, dates, transcription, GPS coordinates and other information for each headstone.
- A photograph of each headstone.
This information will be compiled and posted on this web site as it is made available.
We have found two resources that have been very helpful in getting this project off the ground. The first is from the Dutch Settlers Society and is a listing of "Burying Ground Inscriptions, Town of Berne, Albany County, NY, Compiled By Lieut. Col. William V. Hannay". This listing was completed during the years 1926 through 1936 to record the descriptions of the fast disappearing field burying grounds, and to record the locations of veterans graves in Albany County. This is a very comprehensive list that describes the name and location of the grounds as well as every headstone. Since this early listing contains the inscriptions as recorded in the early 1900's we are using it to fill in information that may no longer be readable.
Our second source is the work completed in 1984 by the Old Berne Conservation Board. They did a very through job of locating virtually every cemetery and small family burial ground in the township. Each of these cemeteries where keyed to a section of a USGS topographical quadrangle. This listing will be the starting point for this project and we wish to thank the members of this board in advance for the foresight and hard work that went into preparing this list.
- Douglas Fraser
- Charles Gardner
- Charles Garry
- Daniel Geer
- Lawrence Jackson
- Hubert Miller
- Robert Mohr
- Michael Vincent
- Kurt Zeh

Mike Vincent, Barbara Bolster-Barrett and Hal Miller at Lyon Burying Ground
Click on Name for more informatoon.