
Berne Local

George Warner

Diary of George Warner of Berne, NY - 1862


Notes on the 1862 Diary of George Henry Warner by Allan Deitz
In 1862, George Warner lived in the present day village of Berne, New York, Albany County. He was 16 years old when he wrote much of this diary. On August 23,1862 he turned 17. You will notice George entered facts in his diary. He expressed very few opinions or feelings. But these facts tell a lot about him. We know he attended church regularly, usually across the street at St. Pauls Lutheran Church where Rev. Ludden was the regular minister. He attended school occasionally during the day, spelling school some evenings, and singing school some evenings. He sawed or chopped wood often, apparently to earn money for clothes and other needs. At one point he asked Issac Hallenbeck for a permanent job.( Issac was an undertaker according to "Our Heritage".) In January, he took a two week trip to Troy where he visited his sister Mary and family and went to several factories, churches ,and places of entertainment. He noted marriages, births, and deaths of Berne residents in his diary. From all this, we can see a young man who was religious, physically strong, interested in local and national news,(especially about the Civil War), had many friends, and liked to sing. He liked math, but struggled with spelling. In September 1862, George enlisted in the 177th Regiment of Infantry for a nine month tour of duty in the Civil War. Specific notations will be found throughout the diary when they may be helpful in learning what life was like in Berne in 1862 as told by the diary of George Warner. The Beers Map of 1866 complements the diary by showing where many of the people mentioned in the diary lived. The John Warner house (George's father) is shown there across from the Lutheran Church parsonage.




Dec. 12, 1862 Great fires in the South.
Charleston $8000,000
Greenville Alb 50,000
Nashville, Ten 800,000
Richmond 65,000
Amount 8,915,000


Wednesday Jan 1, 1862
Last night I went up to Schoonmakers School House to singing school with a load of 0f 10 and got home about 12 oclock. Had a good time. Edwin M Shultes has established a cash & Barter trade to day. I have kept Newyears to day & spent 12 ct.
Jan. 1 -"Edwin M. Shultes"- This was Edwin Mathias Shultes who was born on West Mountain in 1834 and died in Berne village in 1923. (from "Berne Family File", here after refered to as B.F.F.)


Thursday 2
Attended School to Day. Very few at school. I have bought a bottle of ink at 5 cts. It is blowing hard now. The river froze over last night.


Friday 3
Went to school to day. It has been the coldest day we have had this winter. I was invited to go down to Gallupville to the concert. There has been a convention held there 4 days. Prof Cook conducted it.
Jan.3 -"convention"- This four day convention and concert was probably held in the large hotel built in Gallupville in 1850 at the corner of Rt.146 and Rt.443. (from George Zimmer, Gallupville historian).


Saturday 4
Went to school. Bought 12 sheets of paper @ 10 cts. It has been very cold out all day. Went to singing school in the evening. Had a very good time. Brought home some --cking for 3 cts. Harriet Secor had a young daughter last night.
Jan. 4 -"young daughter"- Harriet and Francis D. Secor of East Berne had a baby girl born, Willette Secor, on Jan. 3, 1862. (B.F.F.)


Sunday 5
Went to meeting in the forenoon. Mr Ludden preached from Revalation third chapter and verse.
Jan. 5 -"Mr. Ludden" - Rev. A. P. Ludden was the installed minister of St. Pauls Lutheran Church and a neighbor of George Warner. (from " Our Heritage").


Monday 6
Sawed wood in Forenoon. Went to school in the afternoon. In the evening, went down on the flats to spelling school. Had a very good time. Mr. Veeder and Mr. Shreiber Were there. Stopped for David St. John.


Tuesday 7
Went to school all day. Nothing very important to write. At home in the evening. Read chapter in a book entitled " Camp Fires of the Revolution.


Wednesday 8
Went to school in the forenoon. In the afternoon, worked for Jacob P Warner. Made 20 logs. Stayed to the village until 9 oclock. Lavina Warner was married tonight to Mr Haswell of Knox.
Jan. 8 -"Jacob P. Warner" -(1829-1894) He married Mary Ann Hayes(1829-1894). (B.F.F.)


Thursday 9
Worked for J. P. Warner all day. John Lawson has bought William Hayes farm today. Old John Peter Ball was buryed to day. Madison Whipple came to home to day.
Jan.9 -"William Hayes" - He was born in Berne in 1822 and died in New Jersey in 1883. (B.F.F.)


Friday 10
Went to school all day.


Saturday 11
A man and his wife was accused for stealing and was found guilty and was sentenced to the penitentiary for 3 months. Had a good time skating today. Went to singing school in the evening. Enjoyed it very much. The committee meets tonight to Mr. Luddens. It is snowing fast now. Spent 9 cts.


Sunday 12
Went to church this forenoon. It has rained hard all afternoon. At home the rest part of the day. Thare has been no prayer meeting this evening-it is so rainy.


Monday 13
Went to school in the forenoon. And worked for L Hays in the in the afternoon. In the evening, had some company. Had a good time. It has been a very cold day.


Tuesday 14
Went to school for 1/2 day. In the afternoon, worked for Thomas Hays. Helped make (logs)/ for Amy Engle. Went to spelling school in the evening. Mrssrs. Stevens and Whipple, teachers. Ephraim Kniskern and Peter West were intoxicated. We made 20 logs. Albert Osterhout and wife and sister were to Amys.

Jan. 14 - "Thomas Hays" - He was the father of Elizabeth Hays who married John Lawson. - "Albert Osterhout" - married Sarah Elizabeth Gallup on Dec, 27, 1860 in Berne. (B.F.F)


Wednesday 15
Went to school all day & in the evening to Mr Luddens donation. There was a great many thare. Spent 67.00. Bought an overcoat $8.13. Mr. Ludden got $175 money. Charles E Dietz made $11 at the candy table. Azor T Hays was there. Had a very good time. Bought some cheese 4 cts.
Jan.15 -"Mr. Luddens donation"- Donations were fund raisers for the church. They usually included a public church dinner and often a candy table, baked goods, and donated clothing. (Al Deitz)


Thursday 16
Went to school all day. Mr Stevens had a fit at school this afternoon. It lasted about 10 minutes. Bought an almanac for 10 ct. Spent the evening at home a reading. We are ciphering in Partial Payments.

Friday 17
Sawed wood for E.V Filkins part of the day. It has snowed this afternoon. Bought a Hdki for 25cts at Hiram Willseys. Spent the evening at Mr. Balls. Madison Whipple left Berne for Cohoes this morning & I am a going to bed shortly & Mr. Stevens went home this morning & Jerome got a dollar from Howard --- Lieber Comp.
Jan.17- "Mr. Balls"- Probably Peter Ball and family who lived across the street.(Al Deitz)


Saturday 18
Sawed wood for E. M Shultes all day. Sidney Way died this morning 1 O clock. Will be buryed 1 o clock tomorrow 1/2 past 10. He died with the measels. Grandmother came home today from Francis Secors. Went to singing school in the evening. Had a good time. Clow was absent.
Jan.18- "Francis Secor"- The husband of Harriet who had a baby Jan. 3. "Grandmother" Sarah Warner may have been helping with the new baby. (B.F.F.)


Sunday 19
Went to church in the forenoon. The funeral of Sidney Way was preached by Mr. Ludden from Thesalonians 1 Chapter, 9 verse. Went to the D.R. Church this afternoon. Edwin Zeh & family were here to day. They live No. 142 Swan St.


Monday 20
Finished sawing wood. I split some at E. M. Shultes. Thare have been a heavy fall of snow for the last 3 days. At home in the evening ciphering in partial payments. It is getting late & I must stop writing &c yesteday thare was a battle at Mill Spring in old Kentucky. Our troops were victorious &c.


Tuesday 21
Spent 7cts. Finished sawing wood for E. M. Shultes. The 96 regiment left Albany last Friday for New York and the Havlock Battery. Azor Hays is with the 96. Thare has been a fight in Kentucky. Our troops were victorious. Gen. Zolincoffer was killed.
Jan.21 - "Azor Hayes"- Born in 1843, Azor T. Hayes at age 19 enlisted in the Civil War. After the war, he reenlisted (1866) and was killed a year later.(per " Our Heritage", in future referred to as O. H.)


Wednesday 22
Worked for Joseph Shultes. Helped thresh oats. Killed our pig today. It weighs about 100 lbs. Went to the village and staid til about 9 oclocks. Thare was a surprise party last night on the flats to Mr. Harris. They made $30 to get a coat for Mr. Harris.
Jan. 22- "thresh oats"- In winter, in 1862, grains that had been cut and bound in fields the summer before were threshed in the barn using sticks 34" long to flail the grain over a winnowing basket. As the grain was beaten, the oats or wheat would fall off the straw (used for bedding), and the shaft would be blown away while the heavier seeds fell into the basket. (Source-Joseph Caffery, Farmer's Museum, Cooperstown).

- "Joseph Shultes" - (1805 - 1889) He lived in the West Berne (Beaverdam) area. (B.F.F)


Notes by Allan Deitz on George's trip to Troy (January 23 to February 8, 1862):


With the help of Tom Carroll of Troy's RiverSpark Visitor Center, I have identified some of the businesses and people George visited while in Troy and Cohoes. In 1862, Troy was a major manufacturing hub of the country. With the bene fit of the Hudson and Mohawk Rivers, the Wynantskill and Postenkill Creeks, the Erie and champlain Canals and railroads, it had the ideal location for water power and transportation to make and ship products of all kinds all over the world. This was the beginning of the Industrial Revolution in the United States. This also made Troy a tourist attraction.

Thursday 23
Started for Troy with Thos Hays and Charles Deitz about 9 o-clock. Had a severe headache all day. Bought a ticket for 13 cts and went ---- to Troy on the Troy & Rensselaer RailRoad. ---- paid 1 (gate?) 6 cts.
Jan.23- "Charles Deitz"- Charles E. Deitz (1840-1920) had a store of many products that included a Post Office in Berne. (O.H.)


Friday 24
Got up about 6 oclock. Went to the store until breckfast. After brecfast went to the store again for awhile. Then went down to the Foundry to see Jarred Blair. Bought a French ----- for 6 cts & some chestnuts for 11 cts &c.

Jan. 24- "the foundry"-This was most likley the famous Burton Iron Works, listed in the 1861 Troy City Directory as Henry Burton and Sons where horsehoes were made for the Union Army at a rate of one million a year. It had the largest waterwheel in the world on the Wynantskill Creek to generate power. An R. P. I. student named Ferris rode on it and designed the Ferris wheel.


Saturday 25
I rose as usual. Helped (driving)? The horse. After brecfast went to the store. In the afternoon, looked for William Haydes house and found it after a great deal of walking. It is No. 21 Harrison Place. Called on A. G. Gardiner. All with No. 44. Stormed all day. (on the side of the page)- North Third St.

Jan 25 -"A. G. Gardiner"-(correct spelling is Albert G. Gardner according to the 1863 Troy City Directory). He was a cabinatmaker. George stayed at his home during this trip and mentioned the birthday of his one year old son, Eugene Gardner.He also wrote he accompanied Mary to the dentist. St. Paul's church records show a marriage on Feb.21st , 1860 of Albert Gardner,born in Berne, to Mary Warner. John Warner,2nd and Lucy Ann Harp had a daughter named Mary. Conclusion--- George was probably staying with his half-sister and family while in Troy.(Al Deitz)



Sunday 26
Went to 4 st. Unatarian Church to meeting in the forenoon. His text was Mathew 5 chap. 6 verse. Had a good sermon. In the evening went to the 5 st. Babtist Church. Rev. Sheldon lectured about Amusementt. Enjoyed it very much.

Monday 27
Went with Albert up to the shop. Lillies Safe Works. Went down to Albany on the cars after my valise. The Bern stage had not arrived at 6 oclock so I went back to Troy on the stage. Reached home safe &c.

-"Lillies Safe Works"-This was run by Lewis Lillie, a safe manufacturer in a large warehouse at 207 River Street, Troy.


Tuesday 28
Got up at about 8 oclock. Fashionable early. Ate breckfast and sat down to read Gleasons Pictoral. In the afternoon, went up to the shop. It has been a very cold day. We are all getting sleepy and I must stop writing.

- "Gleasons Pictorical"- This was an illustrated weekly newspaper begun in 1851 . The full name was 'Gleason's Pictorial Drawing-Room Companion". The pictures were woodcut engravings. The paper carried news articles with many pictures on topics such as war, politics,art,science,travel and exploration, literature and the fine arts. ( Source- Web




Wednesday 29
Went to depot and saw the cars go off. & then went to the foundry and saw the shells which weigh 214 lbs. Went to a fire in King St. An old wood house was burnt. In the evening went up to Jarred's in the stage &c.

-"the foundry"-This was most likley the famous Burton Iron Works, listed in the 1861 Troy City Directory as Henry Burton and Sons where horshoes were made for the Union Armay at a rate of one million a year. It had the largest waterwheel in the world on the Wynantskill Creek to generate power. An R P. I. student named Ferris rode on it and designed the Ferris wheel.


Thursday 30
Arose as usual. Ate brecfast and sat down to read. Went up to Cohoes, saw them spin. Went up afoot and came back with the stage. Arvilla came down with us. Had a good time. They are having a good time over to the carnival. (Back at the skating?)

-"Went up to Cohoes, saw them spin" - This was probably the the famous Harmony Mills textile cotten mill that opened in 1857 and was employing 5,000 persons. It was powered by the Cohoes Falls on the Mohawk River (also a tourest attraction). Only Niagara Falls could generate more power east of the Mississippi River in 1862.

Friday 31
Eugene Gardiner is 1 year old today. Had a good old time reading Gleasons Pictoral.


Saturday Feb. 1
Came down to Troy from Jarred Blairs with the stage. The faer, from Cohoes, is 12 cts. In the evening, went to the glass blowers at Rands Hall. Thare were 3 brothers & 1 lady. I enjoyed it very much. It has been snowing most of the day. The admitance to the glass blowers is 15 cts.

-"glass blowers at Rand Hall"- This was a performance George saw at this hall that offered concerts, lectures, dramatic presentations, and later,opera. It was located on the NW corner of 3rd and Congress Streets


Sunday 2
Stoped last night at William R. Hydes. Started for A. G. Gardiners about 11 oclock. In the afternoon, went up to camp Wool to meeting. Rev. Mr. Cheshire from Waterford preached. Thare are about 75 men are at the barraks.

-"camp Wool to meeting" (church service) -Camp Wool was probably a military training camp since Major General John E. Wool, born in Conn., orphaned, moved to Schodack and became famous in the War of 1812 at Plattsburg, and more so in the Mexican War. He served in the Civil War at about 70 years of age. The tallest monument in the Troy Cemetary is his. (Source-Weise History of Books,and Tom Carroll).


Monday 3
Went up to G. S. Kenyons about 10 oclock. Bought some chestnuts. 7 cts. One of the Cohoes stages upset this morning about 10 oclock. Two persons were hurt.

Tuesday 4
Arose as usual. Ate brekfast and went out to the store. Business not very brisk. In the afternoon, went up to Lillies Safe Works. Had a good time. Went down to the post office in the evening. No mail for me.
(A note at the bottom of the page) Albert G Gardiner.


Wednesday February 5 1862
Stayed at A. G. Gardiners last night. Went down on River St to see the sights. Went to the dentist with Mary. Came home and then went up to the foundry. Saw them mill iron. In the evening, went up to the skating park. Enjoyed it very much.


Thursday 6
Went out in the country after potatoes with William Holladay. Got back about 1:30. An old woman fell down on the sidewalk this afternoon and fractured her thigh. The carnival last evening was a brilliant affair. About 2500 persons were present.

"the carnival"- This was Troy's Winter Carnival according to the Troy Daily Times newspaper at the Troy Public Library.

Friday 7
Got up about 8 oclock. Ate breakfast and split some wood. Carried some groceries up to Mr. Davis. Got the cash. $4.55. Went down to A. G. Gardiners awhile and then went down street to the stage office. Bought 2 apples for 3 cts. Wednesday, bought a handkerchief for 25 cts.


Saturday, February 8, 1862
Started for Albany from Troy, 7.20. Reached Albany 8 oclock. Left for Berne by stage. It is bitter cold this morning. John Spencer and wife, Edward Settle, George Benedict and Jacob D. Settle came out with us. There was a donation at New Salem last night. They raised 130$.


Sunday 9
Attended church in the forenoon. Mr. Ludden preached from Job 22 chap. and 12 verse. He had a good sermon. Had a letter from George W. Vanguilder Co. F. N.B.H. Cavalry, Washington, D.C. Went out on a ride last night. I had a good time.

Monday 10
Sent a letter to George W. Vanguilder this morning. Sawed wood for Jacob Settle & Jacob Ball. Went to spelling school in the evening. Hiram Gage and Mr. Stevens teachers. Jerome Ball & Sarah Joined the chorus. Went home about 9 oclock and wrote some in my journal and ledger.


Tuesday 11
Sawed wood for Jacob Ball in the forenoon. In the afternoon, went to school. We are ciphering in Assessment of taxes. Went to the post office. My (paper) is home. They are flooding the ice to make a skating park on the kill dam. Lucius E. Ball and sister Carrie home tonight with the stage.
Feb. 11-"Lucius E. Ball"-This was friend Lucius Edward Ball, brother of Jerome Ball and many others. Lucius died at age 20 in the Civil War. -" sister Carrie" was George's 4 year old sister whose mother was Catherine West, the second wife of John Warner. (B.F.F.)and (Al Deitz)


Wednesday 12
Went to school all day. Had the headache this forenoon. Henry Fairliegh killed his hogs today. 7 of them. Mr. Luddens donation last night down to Gallupville went off good. Jerome, Alonzo, Sarah, Immogene & Phena Bedell, went down. They raised 180.$
Feb.12-"Gallupville"- Mr. Ludden's donation was probably sponsored by the new Lutheran Church(1853) in Gallupville, of which he was the Minister, but held at the new hotel for more space. (from Chester Zimmer).


Thursday 13
Went to school all day. In the evening, went to Prayer meeting. Thare is a party going down to Gallupville tonight. Alice Ball, Clara Hochstrasser, Julia Wipple, Elizabeth, Eugene & Jesse Wood, Lucius A Ball, Martha Brunk, Louis Merselis & Dan Merselis, C E Deitz, Edwin Settle.
Feb.13- "Jesse Wood"- He died at age 17 in the Civil War. His gravestone with a Union uniform cap on top can be seen from the road in a small cemetery on the Berne flats in front of what was the Thomas Wood farm.(O.H


Friday, February 14, 1862
Attended school all day. Spoke pieces in the afternoon. It has been stormy to day snowing & blowing a perfect gale. E.M Shultes & Senara has an auction to night down to Peoria. Spent this evening at Hiram Wilseys. Jerome & Jesse & Bedells girls.


Saturday, 15
Sawed wood for Jacob Settle part of the day. Jerome Ball got a letter from Howard Van Liew to night. There was a battle on the 7 at Roanoke Island North Carolina. Our troops were victorious & took 3 thousand prisoners. Went to singing school in the evening. Had a good time.
Feb. 15- "Jacob Settle"- In 1817 Jacob, Charles and later Theodore Settle had a store for groceries, dry goods, hardware and medicines with a meeting hall on the second floor. (building still stands near the bridge in Berne) (O.H.)


Sunday, 16
Rather stormy. Went to church in the forenoon. Very few at Church, only 6 in the Choir. Have been reading all afternoon. Did not go to prayer meeting this evening. The Union loss at Roanoke Island 50 killed 222 wounded Rebel south 13 killed 89 wounded.


Monday, February 17, 1862
Went to school about 8:30. Mr. Stevens has not come yet. We are ciphering in Analogues to day. Jerome spent the evening at our house. It rains & it hails and cold stormy is the weather and I am going to bed.


Tuesday, 18
Went to school all day. Salinda Schell came down to our house this forenoon. Fort Donalson was taken on the 16 together with 15000 prisoners, 3 generals 48 field pieces 17 heavy pieces & 20,000 stand of arms. Union loss 300 killed 600 wounded. Mr. Miller & Mary etta Ball was married to night. It was witnessed by 3000 persons.


Wednesday, 19
Mr. Miller had his donation to night at Peter Reinharts. Quite a good many thare. Julia Wipple was married to Christler, a soldier to night. It has been snowing all the evening quite hard. Went to the donation. Had a very good time. A Mr. Ball kept the candy table. They raised 87.96 at the Donation. Spent 25 cts.


Thursday, February 20, 1862
Got up about 7. Went to the village about 11 oclock. Staid over thare until night. Commenced splitting wood at Edwin M. Shultes about 3 oclock. Came home about 6 ooclock. Jerome Ball spent the evening at our house. I have been writing in my Journal this evening. President Lincoln son died to day, age 10 yrs. William.


Friday, 21
Went to the village on an errand for Mrs. Smith. Stoped at Mays. Got some wedding cake (Mary etta's). Splitting some wood for E. M. Shultes. Got through 1 oclock. Went to school in the afternoon. In the evening went to spelling school. Afterwards went over to Mr. Luddens. Got home 12 oclock.


Saturday, 22
Went to school about 9 oclock. It was not commenced when I got thare. Thare is an Antirent meeting at the village this afternoon. Susan got a letter from Charlie Schemerhorn to night. Went to singing school in the evening. Had a good time practicing on the Chart. Mr. Miller started for Columbia County this morning about 8 oclock.
Feb.22- "Antirent meeting"- Berne became known as the Capital of the hilltown farmers antirent movement against the Albany Dutch Patroon, Steven VanRensselaer IV, in January of 1845 when 115 delegates from eleven counties met in the spacious Lutheran Church to petition the state legislature. (from O.H.)


Sunday, February 23, 1862
Went to meeting in the forenoon. A stranger preached for Mr. Ludden. They took up a collection for John Clow to pay him for leading the choir. They raised $19.00. 6$ remainder
In the afternoon went to meeting at the Methodist Church. Thare is a meeting thare to night. It has been raining all day.
Feb.23- "John Clow"- He was also the mason during the building of the West Berne Methodist Church in 1879. (from O. H.)


Monday, 24
Started for School about 8 oclock. No one at school. Went down street. Susan went down to New Salem this morning with the stage. We built one fort at School to day and captured one. It has been very windy to day, it blows harder than ever recolect of seeing it blow.
Feb. 24- "Susan"- This was George's sister Susannah Warner, born in 1843. (B.F.F.)






Tuesday, 25
It is still blowing very hard. Mr. Stevens has borded to our house a cou0le of days. We started for School half past 8. I have been very busy to day learning my pieces. Recited our pieces this afternoon. Nathaniel Gordon was hung to day for being Engaged in the Slave trade.
Feb.25 -"Nathaniel Gordon" - This native of Maine had engaged in slave trading for many years but had never been caught until Aug. 8, 1860 on the West Coast of Africa with 897 Africans on the ship, the Erie, of which he was the captain and responsible for obtaining his cargo. He was tried, convicted, and executed on Feb.21, 1862 in New York City after an unsuccessful appeal to President Lincoln. (from "Harpers Weekly", March 8, 1862, p.157)


Wednesday, 26
Went to school about 8. Went down street and got an old boat to speak our piece. It is Mr. Stevens last day at our school. Spoke 3 pieces. The Slow Goer was one of them. Spent the evening at Ira Engles. Had a good time.
Feb. 26- "Ira Engles"- His daughter, Libbie R. Engle, sent letters to George when he was a soldier in Louisiana in 1863. The lock of hair found in the 1863 diary is believed to have been hers.(from Norma Luce June)


Thursday, 27
Sawed wood for E. M. Shultes in the afternoon. Ira and me sawed a cord in 3 hours, green wood. In the afternoon sawed and split a little over 1/2 cord for Seneca Shultes. Albert Davis boy died last night. It snows and blows a perfect storm. The roads are drifting shut.


Friday, 28
Got up as usual. Ate breakfast and went over to James Totten to split wood, got thare about 9 oclock & went to work. It has snowed and blowed all day hard. The stage did not go by until late. Nothing much going on to day. The roads are all shut. The drifts are higher than they have been in 5 years.


Saturday, March 1, 1862
Arose as usual. Ate breakfast and went over to the village to saw wood. Sawed for Jacob Settle Esq in the forenoon. In the afternoon a load of us went down to Shavers to Creak Road. Came back and went to sawing. Sawed a 3/4 cord. The stage has not come in to ngiht. Thare is no singing school to night.
Mar.1- "Shavers to Creak Road"- The 1866 Beers Map shows A. and J. Shaver at the corner of Rt.1 and Rt.9 just west of Berne near the Fox Creek. The group may have gone to skate.


Sunday, 2
Got up as usual. Thare is no meeting to day at any of the Churches, it is very still on the road. I have been reading. The Troy daily times. Gearge W. Stiner belongs to the Morgans Guards C & E 104 Reg N.Y.S.(Z?)


Monday, 3
Sawed wood for Peter Bouck in the forenoon 1 cord. Charles Engle was taken sick with a fit this morning and died about 8 oclock. Sawed wood for Amos Ball this afternoon. Mr Miller has lost a horse in a snow bank. Spent the evening at Mr. Luddens, the stage came in this morning.
Mar.3-"Amos Ball"- Born in 1832, a son of Peter Ball and wife Eve Knieskern. George spent much time with this neighbor family. (B.F.F.)


Tuesday, March 4, 1862
Sawed wood for E. M Shultes in the forenoon. Frank Secor came down to our house to day. Charles Engle was buried this afternoon. Charles Dietz, George Davis, Alonzo Ludden & myself were the bearers. Missy Plank and White have a Concert to night at C. G. Reilly.
Mar.4- "Alonzo Ludden"- The son of the Lutheran minister of Berne, Rev. Ludden. At age 16,1n 1864, he joined the 177th Regiment and caught a disease in Louisiana. He was sent home and died in 1865 in Berne. (from O. H.)


Wednesday, 5
Drawed a load of straw from James Patten and sawed wood for Edwin Shultes in the forenoon. In the afternoon sawed for E. V Filking. In the evening wrote a letter to George S. Kenyon. Corner North third and Hutton St. Troy, N.Y.


Thursday, 6
Arose as usual. Ate breakfast and went up to William Balls to saw wood. Sawed about 1/2 cord and split 1/2 cord for Jacob Berbanks. He paid me 43 1/2 cts. Ethan Whipple was taken to the poor house this morning. Old Mr. Philip Engle died this morning aged 74 years.
Mar. 6-"William Ball"- William was a brother to Lucius and Jerome Ball. He was a tailor and ran a cigar store in Berne.(from O. H.)


Friday, March 7, 1862
Sawed wood for Jacob Ball. In the afternoon for Charles Settle 1/2 cord. In the evening went up to Mr. Hayses to spend the evening. Imogene Whipple, Armilla & Sarah Bedell, Jerome Ball, William McCulloch were thare. Had a good time.
Mar.7- "Jacob H. Ball"- (1824-1883). Jacob was a son of Peter Ball.

-Armilla and Sarah Bedell"-They were daughters of Lorenzo D. Bedell. The Bedells lived in the West Berne(Beaverdam) area, according to the Beers Map.


Saturday, 8
Sawed 5/8 of a cord of wood for Charles Settle. Spent 8 cts. He gave me credit for 64 & 10 cts cash. Got 2 letters to night one from G. S. Kenyon and the other from George W. Vanguilder and one for Susan. Went to Singing School in the evening. It is the last night.


Sunday, 9
Got up about 8 oclock. Went to Church about 9 oclock. Mr. Ludden preached the funeral Sermon of Charles Engle from 2 Epistle of Paul to the Corinthians 1 chapter 3 and part of the 4 verse. Went to Meeting at the Methodist Church in the afternoon & wrote a letter to Susan. A battle was fought yesterday and to day at Newport News --- Monitor & Merrimac

Monday, March 10, 1862
Started for New Salem about 9 oclock with Philip Miller. Took the wrong road and went to Clarksville. Came to New Salem a foot from Clarksville. Stopped at Dr. Lambs and got my dinner. Went over to Isaac Van Aukens. He was not at home. Staid all night. Spent 18 cts.


Tuesday, 11
Left Isaac Van Auken's for New Salem about 9 oclock. Met William Hays on the road. I was offered 96$ for 8 months. Ate dinner at Dr. Lambs. Started for home with Frank Secor. He bought 8 lbs sugar at New Salem and a cow ate it up. Attended a party at Cornelas Secors. Had a very good time.
Mar.11- "William Hays"-(1822-1883). William married Elizabeth Mary Martin in 1843 in Albany. He died in New Jersey after Mary died in Albany the year before. Apparently, he offered George a job.
-Cornelas Secor"- In 1866, he and his wife Polly lived near the Thompson's Lake Reformed Church.(from O.H.)

Wednesday, 12
Got up about 7 oclock. Ate breakfast and started for home. Walked as far as John Bells. Got home about 10 oclock. Alonzo Ludden is very sick with the sore throat. Went over to the village in the afternoon. It is reported that a battle has been fought at Manassas Junction on the 10 or 11 of March 1862.


Thursday, March 13, 1862
Arose as usual. Ate breakfast and went over to William M Balls to saw wood. Sawed1 cord from green wood. In the afternoon sawed for James Patten Spent 12 cts. Frederick W. Sander Brigadier General, died on the 2 at Camp Chase Virginia aged 39 years.


Friday, 14
Jerome has gone to Schenectady to day. Split & pilled wood for James Patten in the forenoon. In the afternoon sawed. Bought some cloth for a ------- at Jacob Settles for 45 cts. I heard to day that Norfolk was occupied by Gen. Burnside. At home in the evening. Wrote some in my Journal. Spent 8 cts.


Saturday, 15
Got up about 7. Ate breakfast and went over to the village. Piled some wood for E.M. Shultes. Bought a box of Blacking for 6 cts. It has been raining hard all day. Jerome Ball came home about 12 oclock. He got a letter from Madison Ball to night. E. M. Shultes had an auction at the village. Sold 9.00 worth of goods. I have got a severe headache to night. Spent 7 cts. extra.
Mar.15-"over to the village"- George considered the Berne village to be the commercial part of town near the Foxenkill bridge. (Al Deitz)


Sunday, March 16, 1862
It has been storming hard all last night and to day. Thare was but 25 or so persons at meeting to day. Wrote two letters, one to Dr. Herrick & the other to Isaac Van Auken. I do not feel very well to day.


Monday, 17
Got up as usual. Ate breakfast and went over to the village. Mailed two letters and went to sawing wood for James Patten. Worked all day. Bought 1 bushel of buckwheat of James Patten. At home in the evening ciphering in proportion.
Mar.17-"James Patten"- Along with Moses Patten, he founded a store in 1820 that later became the Charles E. Deitz store and Post Office in Berne. (from O. H.)

Tuesday, 18
Sawed wood for James Patten half a day. In the forenoon, chopped wood for Miss Hays. Got a letter from Susan to night. In the evening went down to a surprise party to Mr. Cooks. 3 girls & 8 boys thare. The battle of Pea Ridge was fought on the 7, 8 & 9 in Arkansas. Union loss (killed 600 wounded 800 or 1000) (rebels k 1100 w 3000).


Wednesday March 19, 1862
Went over to the village to saw wood for William Reinhart. Broke my saw and had Peter Bouck fix it. Sawed wood for A. P. Ludden in the afternoon. Stephen Van Dusen and wife were visiting at Mr. Luddens this afternoon. Mr. Ludden paid me 30 cts. for this afternoons work.


Thursday 20
It has been a beautiful day, warm, pleasant, worked for E. V. Filkins a carrying in wood in the forenoon. Bought a load of hay of Stephen Ball. 1/2 T. at $8/ton. Split and piled wood for James Patten in the afternoon. At home in the evening reading the life of Ethan Allen.

Mar. 20- "E. V. Filkins"- He was a lawyer in Berne. (from O. H.)


Friday 21
Arose as usual. Ate breakfast. Went over to E. V. Filkins. Split and piled wood all day. It has been storming hard all day (snowing). Bought some powder for 5 cts. Our troops took 1600 prisoners & 13 pieces of cannon at Pea Ridge. Gen. Curtis commanded our troops. Gen. McCulloch was killed. A rebel Gen.


Saturday 22
Stage driver (paid Mr. Miller 26 cts.)
Split and piled wood for James Patten. John Snyder was arrested for stealing yarn of Perry Fowler. The court adjourned until Monday. Jerome Ball got a letter from Howard Van Liew to night. Spent the evening at Mr. Bedells. Sarah, Addie & Immogene were present.


Sunday, 23
Attended church in the forenoon. Mr. Harris preached from Acts 23 chapter and 9 verse. Had a good sermon. Byron Hochstrasser died this morning. Aged 12 years. Only son of Paul Hochstrasser. Went to the Methodist Church for meeting. They had a love feast in the afternoon.


Monday, 24
Went over to the village about 9 oclock to the funeral. Jacob Burbanks, Charles Dietz, Frank Seeland, Albert Bell, Daniel Adams and myself were bearers. Mr. Miller preached the funeral sermon from the 73 Psalm 25 verse. In the afternoon worked for James Patten sawing and splitting wood. It has been a very pleasant day.


Tuesday, March 25 1862
Finished sawing wood for E. V. Filkins in the forenoon. Stopped at Mr. Bedells and got my watch. It cost 1.25 to have it fixed. Helped shovel off the sidewalk after dinner. The funeral of Mrs. Pier was preached at Knox this afternoon by Mr. Ludden.


Wednesday, 26
Sawed wood for James Patten in the forenoon. Drawed a load for ourselves with P. W. Zehs team in the afternoon. Sawed 2 loads of wood for E. M. Shultes in 3 hours. Went to Mr. Luddens to sing in the evening. Had a good time. Thare was a battle at Winchester on the 23. Very pleasant today.


Thursday, 27
Drawed wood all day with Henry Fairlees team. 7 loads. It has thawed fast today. Spent the evening at Mr. Balls. Jerome commenced his cash book. My watch has stopped twice this afternoon.


Friday, 28
Arose as usual. Went over to the village and sawed wood for Edwin Shultes. Harnessed Mr. Luddens horse and worked for him in the afternoon until 4 oclock, then went down to Gallupville to an exibition. Mr. Bedell took us down. It cost me 25 cts. Had a good time. Got home 1 oclock with a severe headache.


Saturday, 29
I got up none of the earliest. Ate breakfast and went over to the village. Saw Isaac Hellenbeck about learning a trade. Did not make any bargain & helped James Patten weigh some clover seed. He gave me 5 cts for my trouble. Got a letter from Erastmus Corning, a congressman from New York.
Mar.29 - "Issac Hellenbeck"- Issac was an undertaker in Berne, according to "Our Heritage".


Sunday, 30
Got up about 8 oclock. Ate breakfast and went to meeting. The text was in 2 Timothy 2 chap. 3 verse. Had a good sermon. A Mr. Morgan spoke about the sending of Bibles to the soldiers thare was subscribed in about 20 minutes. Went to prayer meeting in the evening. Only about 20 persons present. Thare was a thunderstorm in the evening and it snowed instead of raining.


Monday, March 31 1862
Started for the village about 8 oclock. Worked for James Patten all day. The school commenced this morning. Miss Walden is the teacher. At home in the evening. It has snowed some today. Spent 1. cent.


Tuesday April 1
We have sawed 2 --- today at James Pattens. Thare is 11 1/2 cords in --- ---. It is very pleasant today. The snow is going fast. Bought some Maple Sugar for 3 cts.


Wednesday 2
Split wood for James Patten all day. Augustine Davis came home last night from New York. Helped move Mrs. St. Johns piano to night. Afterward stopped in Mr Engles. Was introduced to Miss Waldenmeir teacher, came home about 9 oclock an Read in Charles A Goodrich History. Had a good time at Mr Engles Singing.
April 2- "Charles A. Goodrich History"- This book may have been either " A Bible History of Prayer, with Practical Reflections", or " A History of the United States of America". Both, and others by Goodrich, were written before 1862. (from


Thursday April 3 1862
Arose as usual ate breakfast and went over to the village to shovel off the side walk. Commenced work 25 past 8 and got through about 5 oclock. Charged 62 1/2 cts for my days work. My watch has stopped again today. Frank Leland started for New York this afternoon.


Friday 4
Paid Mr. Bedell 25 cts. Sawed wood for Abel Hochstrasser about all day. Helped shovel off our end of the sidewalk and sawed wood for Wilber. Paid me 6 cts. Went to singing school at Mrs. Engles. C. E. Dietz and Miss Walden were thare. Had a good time.


Saturday 5
Arose as usual . Ate breakfast and went over to the village. Piled wood for James Patten. Finished it and then settled up with him. Pa's work come to 67.62. He took up 62.57. He bought 4 bush. Buckwheat @ 50 cts. and cash 3.00. Susan came home tonight. It has been a very stormy day raining & snowing. Miss Snyder moved today in George Balls house.


Sunday April 6 1862
Went to meeting about 9 oclock. Sung some pieces before church. Mr. Ludden had an excellent sermon today. I went to the D.R. church after dinner. Jerome led the choir and broke down flat the first piece. Started early for prayer meeting and called at William Balls, very few at prayer meeting. Got home 9 oclock.
April 6 - "Sung some pieces"- It appears George was a member of St. Paul's Church choir, as well as a village chorus member. (Al Deitz


Monday 7
Got up as usual. Did not feel very well. Ate breakfast. & Henry Devoe died this morning at 9 oclock with the inflammatory rheumatism and fever. {the battle of Pittsburg Landing was fought yesterday & today the rebels lost in killed 15000, our loss in killed & wounded about 10,000}


Tuesday 8
Spent 10cts, 7 for maple sugar, 3 for peanuts. Got up as usual. Ate breakfast and went over to the vilage. The folks were coming in fast to town meeting. Thare was great excitement all day. The Philia boys and the switzkillers got a fighting. In the evening went over to Mr. Balls to singing school. Had a good time. The whole Republican ticket was elected by an overwhelming majority.
April 8 - "town meeting"- this meeting apparently was for the purpose of electing town officials.(Al Deitz)
- "Philia"- East Berne was called "Philley". This name was given by Elnathan Stafford who had a tavern nearby in 1820 and bought his liquors in Philadelphia. (from O. H.)

Wednesday April 9 1862
Sawed wood for William H. Ball all day. The boys from Switzkill are spreeing it like everything. The Democrats feel rather down in the mouth. They were beaten bad. Spent the evening at Mrs. Bedells. Jesse Wood, Jerome, Immogene & Susan were thare. Bought some hair oil @ 11 cts.


Thursday 10
Arose as usual. Went to work for Abel Hochstrasser. Sawed wood until 11 oclock. Do not feel very well this afternoon. Bought one of Herricks plasters for 12 cts. Island no 10 is ours. It surrendered on the 6. 6000 prisoners, 150 seige guns and other property to numerous to mention.
April 10- "Abel Hochstrasser"-(1822-1902)-Abel's father was Jacob Hochstrasser and his mother was Margaret West.(B.F.F.)


Friday 11
Got up as usual. Ate breakfast and went over to the village to saw wood for Dr. I. S. Becker. Commenced work about 9 oclock. In the afternoon, sawed a quarter of a cord for E. M. Shultes & some for Jacob Ball. Jerome left Berne for Cohoes this morning with William Reinhart & Esley Whipple.
April 11- "William Reinhart"- He was a shoemaker in Berne in 1870 with a shop near the bridge. (from O. H.)


Saturday April 12 1862
Sawed wood for I. S. Becker all forenoon. In the afternoon for Henry Fairlee. The stage came in with the wagon from Albany tonight. Started for the village about 7 oclock. Met Eslie Willsy & Jesse Wood. Went to Bedells & spent the evening. Addie Engle & Hattie Snyder were there. Had a good time.


Sunday 13
Wemt to meeting at the Lutheran Church in the forenoon. Mr. Ludden had an excellent sermon. Very few at church. Did not go to church in the afternoon. Went to the prayer meeting in the evening. Mr. Miller spoke on a portion of the 8 chapter of Matthew.
April 13- "Mr. Miller"- Rev. Edward Miller was the installed minister of the Dutch Reformed Church in Berne from 1860 to 1872 . (from the pamphlet on the history of the Berne Dutch Reformed Church by Rev. John Meyer)


Monday 14
Got up about 6 oclock and went to sawing logs with a crosscut saw. Went over to Hellenbecks shop. Peter Fuller had a saw filed and went to work at William H. Balls, sawing wood in the afternoon. Sawed 1/2 cord for E. M. Shultes.
April 14 - "Hellenbecks shop" - The Hallenbeck Building was built in 1838 at the curve of the hill in Berne just above the Post Office as a furniture and undertaking business. (O.H.)


Tuesday April 15 1862
Went to the Pattens to draw hay for ourselves. Drawed 1 load of hay and 1 of straw. In the afternoon sawed wood for William Reinhart. Bought a paper of Mr. Miller for 4 cts. Thare was a battle fought at Pittsburg Landing on the 6th day of April. Gen. Beaureguard had his arm shot off & etc. untrue.


Wednesday 16 Got up as usual. Ate breakfast. Went William Reinhart to saw wood. Finished about 11 oclock. Sawed for Jacob Ball in the afternoon. George Van Guilder came home from Washington the 10. His Regiment has disbanded, Col. Morrisons Black Horse Cavalry. C. E. Dietz gave me a Harpers Magisine tonight.

Thursday 17
Split and piled wood at home in the morning. After breakfast went over to Jacob Balls to saw wood. In the afternoon made fence for Mr. Miller. It has been very hot today. We had a thunder shower towards night. Went to prayer meeting in the evening. Enjoyed it very much!

Friday April 18 1862
Worked for Patrick Coor building a hogpen and sawing wood in the forenoon. In the afternoon went down to Mr. Davises and bought some powder and shot, for 11 cts. Went down to the creek a hunting. Shot a muskrat. Paul Hochstrasser shot a duck and a muskrat. Went to singing school to Mr Bedells. Had an excellent time.
April 18- "Patrick Coor" - Patrich Cor was born in Irland in 1811. His wife was Margaret. (B.F.F.)


Saturday 19
Finished sawing wood for Patrick Coor, just noon. Brought my gun over to Benjamin Davis to have a cap lock put on. Split wood for William Reinharts in the afternoon. Bought a Daily paper for 3 cts. Nancy Ball came home with the stage tonight from Cohoes. Bought some sugar for 3 cts.
April 19- "Benjamin Davis" - He was born in 1833 and married Helen Dorcus Ball. His father was Samuel H. Davis. The Beers Map shows a B. Davis two doors from the George Warner home. (B.F.F.)


Sunday 20
Arose as usual. Ate breakfast and fixed for church. Did not go to meeting. Went to the Duch Reformed Church in the afternoon. Clarence Settle led the Choir. Went to prayer meeting in the evening. Enjoyed it very much.


Monday April 21 1862
Started for the village about 8 oclock. Commenced sawing for Ben Davis. Sawed 3/4 cord until noon. It commenced raining just noon. In the afternoon settled up with Jacob Settle. 236 cts. Due us. Went a hunting with Elias Bell. I borroughed Ben Davises gun. Shot at 2 muskrats. Killed none. Bought some shot. 5 cts.


Tuesday 22
Arose as usual. Went over to the village to saw wood for Ben Davis. Finished about 2 oclock. It commenced raining about that time, bought a paper for 4 cts. The last number of Harpers Weekly came tonight. I settled up Mr. Filkins. He paid me 25 cts. and owes me 34 1/2 still.


Wednesday 23
Went over to the village about 8 oclock. Split wood for
Benjamin Davis. Did not feel very well all day. It has stormed hard all day snowing and blowing. At home in the evening read the life of General Putman. Charles E. Dietz went to Albany this morning with Geo. Ball. B. Davis is putting a cap lock on my gun. He charges 1,50 cts. My watch has stopped 8 times today.
April 23 - General Putman"- This was Revolutionary War Major Israel Putman. David Humphreys wrote a book called "The Life of General Putman " (


Thursday April 24 1862
Arose as usual. Ate breakfast and went over to the village as far as Patrick Corrs. Helped draw manure until noon, ate dinner thare. Afterwards, went to splitting wood at Benjamin Davises. William Bronke was burried today, went to prayer meeting in the evening. Spent 21 cts today.


Friday 25
Got up as usual. Ate breakfast and started to go a hunting. Went down the creek as far as the old water. Shot one pigeon. Jesse Wood shot at it the same time. Went to singing school at Joseph Bogarduses. Ette Snyder. Larau & Alonzo Ludden Armila Bedell & Phena & Jesse Wood were thare.
April 25 - "the old water"- This is that wide part of the Fox Creek where the Switzkill Creek flows in just west of Berne. ( Al Deitz)


Saturday 26
Worked for Patrick Corr from 8 oclock until 4.30, came home dressed and went a hunting did not shoot anything. Came home about 8 oclock. Ate supper & Patrick Corr paid me 62 cts to night for work,


Sunday April 27 1862
Went to meeting at the Lutheran Church in the forenoon. Mr. Ludden preached from 1 Thesalonians. 5 chap. & 20 verse & an excellent sermon it was. Went to Dutch Reformed Church in the afternoon. His text was in Numbers 32 chap. 23 verse. Went to prayer meeting on the flats in the evening enjoyed it very much.


Monday 28
Got up as usual Ate breakfast and went over to the village Stopped at Hiram Wilseyes and waited for the stage. Sent for a Harpers Weekly with Mr. Miller. Helped on the sawmill until about 10 oclock and then sawed for Amos Ball, bought a lead pencil for 4 cts.


Tuesday, 29
Went to work at Henry Fairlees a sawing wood. Finished in the afternoon. Drawed 2 load of hay from Mr. Patten for ourselves (about 1/2 ton) Went down to the tin shop to cut some gun wads. (bought 2 papers for 10 cts) Jesse Wood & myself called at Addie Engles in the evening. Had a good time.


Wednesday April 30 1862
Got up as usual. Went up to Mr. Luddens to work. Split wood until breakfast. Drawed manure all day. Mr. Ludden paid me 60 cts. for my days work. Joshua Slade was buried today, son of Thomas Slade.
April 30 -"Joshua Slade" - His father was Thomas Slade. Joseph may have died in the Civil War. (Al Deitz)


Thursday May 1
Arose as usual. Ate breakfast done the chores (churned &c) about 11 oclock went over to the village. Benjamin Davis fixed my watch did not charge anything, ate supper about 4 oclock and went down to the creek a hunting. I did not see anything, it is raining now pretty hard.


Friday 2
Sawed wood for Esliye Whipple from 8 oclock until 4. Sawed 1 cord. It has rained all day hard. Bought a watch ribbon for 6 cts at S. H. Davises, went home about 5 oclock ate supper and done the chores and went a fishing. Caught 2 suckers. 1 was 8 in long and the other about 4 inches, at home in the evening.


Saturday, May 3 1862
Worked for Mr. Smith taking away the Banking. Got through just noon. Ate dinner and started for the vilage. The stage got in about 3.30. Bought a Albany Evening Journal for 4 cts. Went up to the Dagurianast. Saw him take several pictures. Armilla Bedell. Lucius Ball & Kate & Reinhart had theirs taken.
May 3 - " Dagurianast"- One that made early photographs on a silver-covered copper plate. The photo is called a daguarreotype. ( from Webster's Dictionary)


Sunday 4
Arose as usual. Ate Breakfast and got ready for church. Mr Ludden preached an excellent Sermon. Went to the Dutch Reformed church to Meeting. Mr Miller had for his text the 38 Psalm. Jesse Wood came down to our house about 6 oclock. Took a walk up street. Came back to prayer meeting. Came home about 9 oclock.


Monday 5
Got up about 5 oclock. Went over to John Lawsons to work. Plowed all day. Got wet as a rat. Did not feel very well. Worked untill about 8 oclock. Came home about 9. Let Benjamin Davis take my watch to fix it. I was taken sick about 16 oclock with the pleurisy. The Doctor came and bled me and gave me some Medicine. & I felt better.


Tuesday, May 6, 1862
Do not feel well yet. Read some books. Bought a paper for 4 cts, Last Saturday night we went over to Mr Woods to Singing School. Armilla & Phena Bedell. Larau Ludden Addie Engle Imogene Wipple & Libbie Wood were the Ladies, Eslie Wilsey Wm Borst & Jesse Wood Gents, Did not sing very good, had a good time.


Wednesday 7
Got up as usual. Ate Breakfast and done the chores. Nothing important to write just now. Do not feel very well. Armilla Bedell commenced her school Monday morning up on the West Mountain. Elizabeth Engle came home from the West last night.


Thursday 8
Got up about 7 oclock. Done the chores & read the Life of Solomon Northup or 12 years a Slave. Went over to the Vilage. Let Ben Davis fix my gun. The Battle of Williamsburg was fought on the 5th. Harvy Bell was in Gen. Hancocks Brigade and was wounded in the thigh.
May 8- "Solomon Northup" - Author of "Twelve Years a Slave" (a narrative about himself). He was a citizen of New York, kidnapped in Washington City in 1841, and rescued in 1853 from a cotton plantation near the Red River, Louisanna. (from BookFinder.Com) - His former residence is now the Old Fort House Museum in Ft. Edward,N.Y. (from I Love N.Y.S. 2001 Travel Guide)


Friday, May 9, 1862
Arose as usual. Ate Breakfast and done the chores. Went over to the Vilage. Bought a wash board & a bar of soap amounting to 25 cts. Had my Ambrotype taken this Afternoon. In the Evening went to Choir Meeting at Mr. Luddens. Had a Good Time. New Orleans has surrendered to Com. Farragut U.S. Navy on the 4 of April.
May 9- "Ambrotype"- a positive picture made of a photographic negative on glass backed by a dark surface. (Webster's Dictionary)


Saturday 10
Jacob Ball boroughed our Adz & Chisel to take down below the hill. I returned 3 books to the Library this morning. Had my hair cut. Amos charged me 10 cts. Bought a paper @ r cts, spent the Evening at Lorenzo Bedell Eslie Wilsey Jesse Wood Alonzo Ludden & myself. L.L., L. E, A E were thare.


Sunday 11
Went to church about 8 oclock. The Sunday School was Organised to day. Daniel Tosson Alexander Crounse Christopher Warner were elected Superintendents. Mr Ludden had his text in Exodus chap verse


Monday, May 12, 1862
Worked for L. Bedell making Garden. Got through about 5 oclock. Went home took the gun and went a hunting. Did not shoot Nothing. (Good News from the Sect of war Norfolk is occupied by our troops the Merrimack is blowed up) Thare has been a very Large fire in Troy 507 houses


Tuesday 13
were burned up. Loss about $3.000.000. McClellan is about 22 miles from Richmon, worked for John Lawson to day. Draging in Oats. We sowed 9 1/2 bushels of oats. Uncle Abraham Martin Died to day at Galupsville.
May 12- "large fire in Troy" - This fire destroyed many homes and businesses, some of which George had visited just 3 months earlier. ( Tom Carroll of Troy RiverSpark)


Wednesday 14
Made Garden for John Lawson in the forenoon. In the Afternoon made fence. William Halliday was overpowered by the heat on North Third St. Last Saturday in Troy. (caused by the heat of the fire?)


Thursday, May 15, 1862
Got up about 5 oclock went up to John Lawsons ate Breakfast and Started for the field. Draged 6 bush. Sowing over twice by noon made fence in the Afternoon. Went to prayer meeting in the Evening. Enjoyed it very much.


Friday 16
Started for John Lawsons about 5 oclock. Measured up 6 bush Corn at Mr Haverlys. Ate Breakfast & went to making fence Acrosst the creek. Plowed some towards night. Stopped at Edwin Shulteses. Bought a quart of peanuts for 6 cts feel very tired to night


Saturday 17
Arose as usual. Went over to John Lawsons to work. Made fence all day. Bought an Albany Evening (Weekly crossed out) Journal for 4 cts. it has Been a Very Hot day.


Sunday, May 18, 1862
Did not go to meeting today. I have been reading almost all day. Do not feel very well

Monday 19
Got up 15 minutes to 5 Started for John Lawsons. He was a
Plowing when I got thare Turned the Cows Away and fixed the fence. Paul Shultes came along just about this time John went in to Albany with him for a Juryman. Finished plowing at noon Drug all Afternoon
May 19- "Paul Shultes"- (1807-1886). He was born at Beaverdam and married Anne Bogardus(1805-1890) of Columbia, New York. They lived in Berne. (B.F.F.)


Tuesday 20
Went to (words very faint & crossed out) Draged the corn Lot until noon Jacob P. Warner furroughed out this Afternoon I changed work with him I plowed with his team I got Harpers Weekly (last sentence crossed out)


Wednesday, May 21, 1862
Pa had John Lawsons Horses to plow his lot this forenoon about 3 hours, finished planting corn to day.


Thursday 22
Got up as usual. Went over To J. Lawson, fed the horses & turned away the cows. Harnessed the Horses & Drawed Old rubbish up to the house Went to prayer meeting in the Evening quite a good many out-Enjoyed it Very much, after working hard all day & being pretty tired


Friday 23
Cleaned up the yard and got ready for plowing Drawed off the Stone. Plowed some towards night. Jesse Wood went over Street with me. We Stopped and talked with Engles girls awhile


Saturday, May 24, 1862
Got up as usual Started for my Work. Drove away the cows Mr. J Haverly turned his cow in pasture this Morning Drawed Stone off the Lot and plowed and Dragged untill most night Charles Bell got a Setter from Harvey. His wound is improving he is at Fortress Monroe now.
May 24- "Charles Bell"- Harvey W. Bell was the son of Charles Bell. Charles recieved a letter from Harvey who was wounded in the Civil War. (B.F.F.)


Sunday 25
Did not get up very early. Ate Breakfast and Sat down to read an Albany Weekly Journal one of Hiram Wilseys did not go to meeting to day. Louisa Hays got a Letter from Azor Last night, he is at Yorktown now.


Monday 26
Got up about 5 oclock Started for John Lawsons Fed the horses after Breakfast Dragged over the Lot by the house and plowed untill noon after Dinner planted corn.


Tuesday, May 27, 1862
Planted some carrot & mangiwertoel (well, that's what it looks like) seeds & planted some corn and beans. After dinner worked for Jacob P. Warner a Dragging his corn. Sat (can't really read that word) I got 3 Harpers Weeklys To nite Maj Gen Banks Div was driven back by the Rebels last week.


Wednesday 28
Did not work at all today I do not feel well my Throat is sore. now. Went down street after dinner Got C. G. Bells paper and sat down to read. Jesse Wood Alonzo & myself cut down our flag pole on Henry Engles land, Geo. Ball came home to night from Albany.


(no Thursday)


Friday, May 30, 1862
Planted some beans and potatoes. I have a very bad cough. I am taking Wing & Sissons Balsam for it. Went to singing School to night at Hiram Wilseys had an excellent time. Got home about 10 oclock, Mr Ludden played on his flute.


Saturday, May 31
Finished planting potatoes till X oclock Harnessed the horses and went a plowing Buckwheat grounds plowed til noon After Dinner went home and went to bed, got up about 2 oclock & went after slipery elm. Thare has been a battle at Hancock Court house on the 28.
May 31 - "slipery elm"- This is a tree. The cambium between the inner bark and the wood is a green soft substance that was scraped off and boiled and used as a cold remedy in 1862. It was prescribed by country doctors and could be bought in stores. Used for caughs, it was chewed. It could also be put on wounds. (from staff at "Five Rivers Enviromental Center" in Delmar.


Sunday, June 1
Did not go to meeting. today. After Dinner it rained hard. read several papers & books.


Monday, June 2, 1862
Went up to John Lawsons fed the horses and watered them. mailed a letter from Mrs. Lawson. went a fishing about 10 oclock came back 1 oclock caught quite a nice string of fish went Again at night caught 2 suckers and 5 Bullheads Alonzo caught 1 eel I found an eel line


Tuesday 3
Got up about 7 oclock ate Breakfast & went over to William Rineharts got my boots he charged me 62 1/2 cts Went up to Mr Luddens. helped Alonzo sort over som potatoes. Saw a photograph of Mrs. Lincoln and a handsome picture it is.
bought a paper for (previous 4 words crossed out) Mr Miller gave me a paper went a fishing caught nothing.


Wednesday 4
nothing important to write it has rained 3 days Harvey Bell is worse. a battle has been fought before Ricmon on the ___. A. T Hays is reported killed. he belongs to the 93 Regiment


Thursday, June 5, 1862
Went up to John Lawsons at noon planted corn ware the hens scratched it out. Did not go to prayer meeting Did not get home till late General Pope has taken 10.000 prisoners at Corinth


Friday 6
Worked for Jacob P Warner all Day making fence in the woods Went to singing school in the Evening at Mr. Haverlys. Eslie Wilsey & his uncle Joseph. & George Shufelt were thare. had a very good time got Home about 10 oclock
June 6 - "singing school"- Notice that the singing school met in a different member's home each time. (Al Deitz)

Saturday 7
Made fence in the Forenoon. After dinner Helped washout 7 sheep and plowed until it rained (a heavy thunder Shower). Two men were struck by lightning towards Galupsville. One was killed instantly Ira Shutter). Harvey Bell is dead he had his leg Amputated and did in 20 minutes Afterwards.

Transcribers note: This last sentence about Harvey Bell is circled and the word "False" is written in the circle. [Al Deitz]

Sunday June 8
Miss Mandy Shultes was buried today. Daughter of Peter Shultes. I did not go to meeting. Read several Interesting sunday school Books. Edward Rivers or the boy that was not spoilt was one.

-"Mandy"- This was Amanda Shultes (1841-1862). [B.F.F.]

Monday 9
Went up to John Lawsons. Fed the Horses. Ate Breakfast and set the leach and put ashes on the corn. Helped plant potatoes & Helped plow until night. A soldier from Springfield Mo. was in the place this morning. He was wounded at the battle of Wilsons Creek 5 times. His name is Morton ( he was on his way to Massachusetts). John Lawson paid me 5.00 .

Tuesday 10 Went up to John Lawsons. Sawed wood until Breakfast. Afterwards hoed corn til noon. Went home after dinner. Felt very unwell. Bought a pair pants at Hiram Wilseys. They cost 80 cts. Bought a paper for 3 cts. Memphis is ours. It surrended on the 6 to Com. Davis. U.S. Navy.

Wednesday, June 11
Got up about 6 oclock. Ate Breakfast. I went over street. Bought a hat at E.M. Shultes for 1.50. Some other notions for 12 cts , bought a straw hat at S. H. Davies at 16 cts. Worked 1/2 Day at John Lawsons.

Thursday 12
Nothing important to write. Read some. Do not feel very well. The battle of Fair Oaks, Va. was fought on the 1 of June. American Loss 890 Killed 3,627 Wounded Missing 1,222

Friday 13
Went over street. Had a pair of pants out at Amos W Balls. He charged me 18 cts. Read several papers. Painted some pictures & bought a paper for 4 cts.

Saturday, June 14
Got up as usual. Ate Breakfast. Went up on the uhigh after some roots. Got back 10 o'clock. Went over street after dinner. Saw Jesse Wood. We walked overstreet as far as Bedells. Had a very good time. After tea, took a walk down to the woods. Met A. F. Bedell & Addie Engle. Went down the plank. Addie cut his finger pretty bad. It bled quite hard.

-"uhigh"- This is the mountain across from the high school in Berne. Today spelled Uhai. [ Al Deitz]

Sunday 15
Went to Sunday School & meeting. Had a good sermon. After dinner went up to Ira Engles. Jesse Wood, Alonzo Ludden, Eslie & Joseph Willsey were the boys, Laurie Ludden, Bedells girls, & Engles girls were there. Had a very good time singing. Enjoyed myself very much. Went to prayer meeting in the evening on the flats.

Monday 16 - Tuesday, June 17 - Wednesday 18 - [ no entry made for 3 days]

Thursday 19
Went overstreet. Bought 2 papers of Samp Blank (and 4 fish hooks ). Painted 12 chairs. Harvey Bell came home tonight from the War. He was wounded at the battle of Williamsburg.

Friday, June 20
Went overstreet after dinner. Jesse Wood & myself went up on the hill after Wintergreens. Got back about 6 o'clock. Went up to the Village. Went to Choir meeting at the Bedells. Had an excellent time. Got home about 10 0'clock. Quite a number of Ladies there.

Saturday 21
Went after some fish poles. Got 2. Went over to Dr. Beckers. Split some wood. Bought some medicine for 13 cts., a box of Blacking at 6 cts. and a paper for 4 cts. Came home in a rain storm.


Sunday 22
Went to Sunday School and meeting in the forenoon. Alonzo Ludden, Jacob Berbanks & Charles E. Dietz went down to Gallupsville to meeting. Jessie D. Wood & Armilla Bedell went down also. Went down to Harvey Bells at night with the girls. ( he is getting better ).

Monday, June 23
Wrote off some verses in the morning. Painted 12 chairs by noon. After dinner worked for Mr. Ludden hoeing potatoes. He gave me 27 cts. for 1/2 day.

Tuesday 24
It commenced raining in the night and has rained all day. Cut up a lot of papers for a Scrapbook. Pa got 2 circulars from Washington tonight.

-"Pa"- This was one of only three references he made to his father, John Warner,2nd, in this diary. [ Al Deitz ]

Wednesday 25
Got up as usual, ate Breakfast and went to reading and cutting papers. Went over street about 4 o'clock. Saw the happy man. He played on his violin (first rate). He called at our house in the evening & stayed all night. It rained all day & night.

Thursday, June 26
It still rains pretty hard. Cut up a lot of paper for a Scrap Book. Went overstreet towards night. Stopped at E. V. Filkins office. Laurie Ludden & Libby Engles called at the office. We sang several pieces & then went to prayer meeting. Only 9 there.

Friday 27
Bought a straw hat at E.M. Shultes - 13 cts. After dinner went to John Lawsons to work - Weed out the Carrot Bed. In the evening went over to Mr. Woods to Choir Meeting. Did not feel like signing. Walked home with Libby Engle as far as S. H. Davieses Store when she left me and went with Calvin Dyer a riding Soarcia. Served Jesse the same way.

Saturday 28
Finished weeding Mangowartgelo. Draged over Buckwheat around 4 times. Hoed about 5 rows of potatoes. Went home about 7 o'clock. Got ready and went over street. Walked up street as far as William Reinharts. Walked back with the girls. Stopped at C. L. Bailys Office to practice some pieces for the 4 July. Did not enjoy it much.

Sunday 29
Got up as usual. Ate Breakfast and got ready for Sunday School. Had quite an Interesting Lesson. Mr. Luddens text was in Luke 13 chap 24 verse. Jesse Wood came down to our house after dinner. We called at Mr. Luddens and then at Ira Engles. Stayed until 4 o'clock. Jesse, Alonzo and myself went to prayer meeting on the flats. Went to the powder springs after meeting. Came back and Stopped at the Luddens. Learned my Lesson for next Sunday. Had a good time.

Monday 30
It has rained all day more or less. Went to choir meeting in the Evening at C. L. Baileys Office. Had a very good time. The Berne Glee Club will sing the 4 July.

Tuesday 1
Worked for John Lawson hoeing corn. Our army has been Fighting 3 day before Richmond. Jerome Ball came home to night from Cohoes & Alice also.

Wednesday, July 2
Went to work at John Lawsons hoeing corn. Came home about 7 o'clock. Fixed and went to Choir Meeting with Alonzo. Wiltha A. Posson, Laura Ludden, Libbie & Addie Engle, Armilla Bedell were there. Had an Excellent time. It rained when we came home.

Thursday 3
Got up as usual. Did not go to J. Lawsons at all today. Had quite a severs headache in the Morning. Went to Mr. Balls. Saw Jerome. Helped pick Strawberries. Worked for Mr. Ludden this Afternoon hoeing beans. He paid me 35 cts. Went dowm to Sylvester Swarts, Alonzo got Vet to make him a baton. Came back about 9 o'clock. Stopped at Bedells. Sung 3 or 4 pieces, and then Started for home. Called at Ira Engles. Lib & Maryester Bell were making their wreaths.

July 4, 1862
Got up 5 o'clock. Drove away the cows. Bought 1/4 lb. of powder at E. M. Shulteses at 12 cts. Went over street. Got the boys and came back to Ira Engles. Practiced their pieces and started for the Vilage about 1 o'clock. Went up in Clancy Balls Ballroom. Sat there awhile. Baileys horse threw him and unjointed his right arm. The procession formed about 2 o'clock. Marched down in Stephen Balls Woods. The exercises commenced with prayer by Rev. E. Miller. Next Singing by the Berne Glee Club. 3, Adress by A. G. Johnson of Troy. 4 Music by the band. 5 Adress by Anson Bingham of Albany. 6th Singing by the berne Glee Club. 7. Adress by R. M. Griffen. The speaking was excellent. So was the singing. Came back to bailys office. Went home and went to bed. Got up 5 o'clock. Ate supper and went over to the vilage. Saw the Ladies & gents Dance. Came home 9:30. Spent 41 cts. ( The boys & girls went to the powder springs tonight). They said they had a good time.

Saturday, July 5
Worked at home in the forenoon hoeing corn. After dinner went up to John Lawsons. Hilled corn. Came home 9 o'clock. Walked along with Engle girls. Jesse & F. Louise. A. Ball came home tonight.

Sunday 6
Went to meeting at our church. Mr. Luddens Text was in 1 Corrinthians 9 chapter and the Last Clause of the 24 verse. He had an Excelent Sermon. Went over to Mr. Woods with Jesse. Ate dinner and came home. Stopped at Mr. Luddens. Read several papers.

Monday 7
Got up about 5 oclock. Went up to John Lawsons. Hoed potatoes in the garden. Afterwards hilled corn. Peter Left Richard Turners this morning. A Lot of Ladies & Gents went down to the Old Burrying Ground Last night. I was one of them. ( spent 2 cts.).

-"Peter"- This was his younger brother Peter who also served in the Civil War.

Tuesday, July 8
Jost Bogarduses wife died last night with Consumption. Aged 24 years.

Wednesday 9
Went to J. Lawsons. Worked until 10.20. Came home. Jesse came with me home. Went over street after dinner. Stopped at Mr. Luddens. Helped pick Peas. Settled up with J. Lawson. He owed me 6.81 (paid me). Went to Choir Meeting at John Balls. Had a first rate time.

Thursday 10; Friday 11; Saturday 12; Sunday 13 - [no entry made these four days]

Monday, July 14
Worked at Mr. Luddens 3/4 of a day.

Tuesday 15
Helped put up Mr. Luddens piano. a Mr. Hammick & Sady were to Mr. Luddens. They played some on the piano. It is a good one.

Wednesday 16 and Thursday 17 [no entry]

Friday 18
Went over street about 9 oclock. Amos took my measure for a coat. It cost $3.00. Stopped at Hiram Willseys. Jesse Wood and myself went up to Esq. Filkins Office. Sat down and read awhile. Boroughed 6 cts. of Jesse & bought some shot at E. M. Shultes. Went up on the Uhigh a hunting. Shot a Chipmonk & a black bird. Also a meadow Lark.


Saturday 19
Went over street. got my coat. Brought it home & played 3 or 4 games of Dominoes at C. G. Bells. Mary Gardiner, Kate St. John, & Charles West came out with the Stage tonight. Last night went to Choir Meeting at Bells. The house was full. Had a good time. Spent 14 cts.

Sunday , July 20
Went to Meeting at Lutheran Church at Mr. Luddens. Sermon was good. He preached from Hosea 6 Chap 4 Verse. It is raining now hard.

Monday 21
Ette Snyder has worked at our house making my coat. Bought 2 lbs. Sugar at E. M. Shultes for 21 cts. After dinner started for the Vilage. Caught Mr. Stevenses horse and rode over. Stopped at Edward V. Filkins Office. Jesse was cleaning off the Shelves. Read a little and went down on the Dock.

Tuesday 22
Arose as usual. Ate breakfast. Got my Arithmatic and sat down to cipher in partial payments with pretty good success. Ate dinner. Went over to Hirum Willseys Store. Bought a Red jacket sythe for $1.25. Went up to the Office. Filled out 2 Cirtificates. Nothing important from the seat of War.

Wednesday, July 23
Went a berrying in Peter Merselases lot. Got about 5 quarts.

Thursday 24
Laura, Emma, Ellie and Isabel helped harnes up Mr. Balls horse for the girls. took a ride down to the watering trough. Drove up to the door. The girls got in. They went up to Peter Shultes' a berrying. Worked at E.V. Filkins a mowing with Wilbur. It has been a very hot day. A heavy thunder shower came up toward night.

Friday 25
Went a Berrying up to Westfalls. Fallow got 5 quarts. Got home after I ate supper and went over to the Warmeeting. Elsie Willsey and myself went up to Hiram Willseys. Lib Engle and Immogene Whipple were thare. Ellie and Lib went over after the rest of the girls. I staid with Gene until they came back. Addie Engle, Armilla Bedell and Joseph Willsey went Riding up to the Springs.

Saturday, July 26
Went upon the Hill. Brought home a lot of wintergreens. After dinner went down street. Jesse Wood & a lot of Boys Myself Included , went in a swimming. Went to Choir Meeting at Mr. Bedells. Had an excellent time.

Sunday 27
Went to meeting.- our church. Mr. Luddens text was in 1 Corinthans 7 chap 4 verse. Went to meeting at the M. E. Church. Mr. Harris text was in Jerimiah. Alonzo had choir Meeting at our church. Went down to the Harry Bells. Came back about 7 oclock.

Monday, 28
Commenced Haying at James Pattens. Mowed about all day. Put up hay. Got done just night. Went down to Willseys. Jesse Wood was thare. Had a good long talk. Got home about 8 oclock. It looks like rain. Mr. Patten got a new horse rake today

Tuesday 29 [no entry]

Wednesday, 30
Worked at Mr. Pattens 1/2 day. It has Rained quite a good deal today. Bought a 1/4 lb. powder. 1 lb. shot and a box of caps amounting to 25 cts. Went a hunting After dinner. Shot one bird. Stopped at Mr. Luddens. Alonzo and myself went down to Ira Engles. Sung some.

Thursday 31 [no entry]

Friday, August 1
Went to Choir Meeting at Mr. Luddens. Miss Walden played several pieces. Sparking Sunday night was one.

Saturday, 2
Worked for Mr. Patten all day. Got in 2 load of hay. Quit work about 7 oclock. Went down street. Alonzo & Jesse came back home with me. Got ready and went to Clancy Bells to Choir Meeting. P. Stevens got the Mitten of L. Engle.

Sunday, 3
Went to meeting at our church. Mr. Ludden Preached from Titus chap. 1 4 verse and a good sermon it was. Went to the D. Reformed Church after dinner. Came back. Stopped at Mr. Bedells. Eslie Willsey also. Phena gave me her photograph this Afternoon. Walked over street. Had a good time.

Monday, August 4
Got up as usual. Went over to Mr. Pattens. Went to work Mowing. After dinner got in 4 load of hay. It has been a very hot day. The hotest of the Season. Jerome went back to Cohoes this Afternoon. Spent 3 cts.

Tuesday, 5
Worked for Mr. Patten 3/4 of a day. It has been a very hot day. After dinner it rained quite a shower. A man was struck by lightning down to Bangalls and killed. Bought an Express for 4 cts. Also paid Mr. Ludden 6 cts. Henry Ball Enlisted today at Albany.

- "Bangalls"- Guilderland Center was nicknamed Bangal for it's reputation of several rowdy hotels where stage passengers stayed on their way to Schoharie from Albany. [ Al Deitz]

Wednesday, 6
Worked all day for James Patten. Mowed some. Went down to Clancy G. Bells. The Glee Club are practicing some pieces to sing at the War Meeting. Charles West went home with Lyda Crons by Clarence with Kate St. John.

Thursday, August 7
Mowed for Mr. Patten until noon- After dinner ground our sythes and cut some grass for Esli Whipple.

Friday, 8
Finished cutting grass for Esli Whipple and worked for James Patten in the Afternoon Mowing.

Saturday, 9
Worked for James Patten until noon. After dinner went down to C. G. Bells. A War Meeting was to have been held thare but was postponed on Account of the weather. Baily & Maryester Bell was Married to Night at C. G. Bells. Spent the Evening at Bedells. Did not enjoy myself. None of the Best.

Sunday, August 10
Went to Meeting at our church. Mr. Luddens text was in Luke 22 chapter and 44 verse. After dinner over to the Dutch Reformed church. Mr. Millers text was in the 17 psalm. After before supper went to the Methodust church and to prayer meeting. Mr. Harris had a good sermon.

Monday, 11
Worked at James Pattens all day. Cornelius Wilday mowed with his Machine. Got in 1 load of hay. Spent 20 cts. Ira Engle raised his hop house today.

Tuesday, 12 and Wednesday August, 13 [no entry]

Thursday, 14
Got in 2 load of hay.

Friday, 15
Got up as usual. Ate Breakfast and went over to the Vilage. William Reinhart measured my foot for a pair of boots. Bought a cup of peanuts for 3 cts. and some candy 2 cts. After dinner worked for James Patten. A War Meeting was held at Knox last night.

Saturday, August 16
Went to work at James Pattens. After Breakfast opned the hay and got in 2 load of hay before dinner and 3 after dinner. William MacCullach came out to Berne from the Albany Barracks. Also Charles Bagordus & John B. Shultes.

Sunday, 17
Did not go to meeting today. Felt very unwell. Kate spent the afternoon at our house. A Sword was presented to Lieutenant Barclay of Knox.

-"Lieutenant Barclay"- Lieutenant Michael Barcklay enrolled on August 18, 1862 in Co. K. He died from wounds recieved at Cold Harbor in a hospital at Washington D.C. after amputation on July 6, 1864. He was buried in Knox Reformed Church Cemetery. [ from "Carnival of Blood" by Robert Keating ]

Monday, 18
Commenced mowing our Grass to day. I worked about today. Mr. Pattens company went home this morning with the Stage. Bought 3 pens for 2 cts.

Tuesday, 19
Did not work at all today. Went over to the Vilage after Dinner. Bought 6 yards white Calico and paid for fixing my boots 87 cts. The Calico cost 75 cts. Bought a New York Herald for 4 cts. The Albany Co. Regiment left for the seat of War 6 oclock P. M. today. William Ludden from Brooklyn came out to Berne to night.

Wednesday, 20 [no entry]

Thursday, 21
A War Meeting was held at the Lutheran church this Evening. Rev. Mr. Elliot Miller, Ludden and Harris Addressed the meeting. Laura Ludden Lib Engle Alonzo and John Shultes sung a quartet. Had quite an Exciteing time.

Friday, August, 22
Got up as usual. Got ready to go up to the Lake a fishing with William Ludden, Horace G. Settle and Alonzo. Florence & Alonzo went down to phila and got a boat Key. Went up to brads point. They landed me and went up after Bait to Christopher Warners but were unsuccessful. I caught 4 pickeral. Had a good time.

Saturday 23
A load of boys and girls went out to Schoharie on a ride. It is my Birthday today.

-"my Birthday"- George Henry Warner turned 17 years old on August 23, 1862 as indicated on his original "Volunteer Enlistment" form in the Berne Historical Society files. [Al Deitz]

Sunday 24 [no entry]

Monday, August 25
Went a berrying down to the Old church farm. Did not get any. Saw a Large Crane down to Peter Shells. After dinner worked for Peter Merselis. Got in 5 load of Oats. Went to the War meeting at the Lutheran Church in the Evening. Enjoyed it very much.

-"Old church farm"- This was probably the farm that the patroon Stephen Van Rensselaer deeded to the Dutch Reformed Church in 1791. It was located on the Switzkill road next to the Berne- Beaverdam Cemetery.
A house was built on it to house the resident ministers until 1856 when a house in the village was purchased. [from "Our Heritage"]

Tuesday, 26
Worked for Daniel Merselis. Got in 4 load of oats.

Wednesday 27
Mowed some. Got in 4 load of Oats & Peas at Merselises.

Thursday, August 28 [no entry]

Friday, 29
Got up as usual. Ate breakfast and went down street. Bought 4 cts. worth of Filberts. Gave Edwin Shultes 25 cts. and forgot to take back the change. Went over to Dan Mersilises about 9 oclock. Raked Oats until noon after dinner. Pitched off a load of Oats. Got in 5 load.

Saturday, 30
Arose as usual. Ate Breakfast and went over to gradus Merselise. Raked oats until about 10 oclock. Clement Fundy worked thar all day and got in 9 load of Oats and peas. Got home about 8 oclock. Went down street. (spent 5 cts.) William Hallady was run over by the cars near Eagle Bridge above Troy and killed.

Sunday, 31
Went to Meeting at our church. M. Lumis preached a good sermon from Acts 11 chap and 24 verse. After dinner went to the Dutch Reformed church. Mr. West had his text in the 123 psalm. Alonzo and myself called at Bedells. It is Armilas birthday today. She is 15 years. Gave her a good whiping.

Monday, 1
Got up as usual. Went over to Joseph Shultes to work. Got in a load of Oats.

Tuesday, 2
Drawed manure at Joseph Shultes. Loaded about 25 load. Came home fixed and went up to Ira Engles. Was introduced to several hop pickers. Jesse read widdow Bedatts Book. Got my paper.

Wednesday, September 3
Drawed manure until noon. After dinner got in 5 load of Peas.

Thursday, 4
Commenced cutting Buckwheat. Cradled all day. Went to prayer meeting in the Evening.

Friday, 5
Cradled all day.

Saturday, September 6 [no entry]

Sunday, 7
Went to Meeting at our church. Mr. Ludden had a good sermon. Found an 8 leafed clover in the D. R. Churchyard. Called at Charles Bells. Stopped at Ira Engles. The hop pickers, Miss Isabel Wilson & Mary Lib Bogardus, Jesse & Addie were there. Had a good time.

Monday, 8
Drawed in manure all day.

Tuesday, September 9
Bought a knife at Hiram Willsey for 50 cts.

Wednesday, 10 [no entry]

Thursday, 11
It is Katie Kenyons birthday today. She is 12 years old.

Friday, September 12 [no entry]

Saturday, 13
Cradled Buckwheat in the morning alone. Arthur came after 2 to help thrash.

Sunday, 14
Did not go to meeting at our church. Mr. Ludden has gone to Synod in Senaca Co. Jesse called at our house about 3 oclock. Went up to Ira Engles Hop house. He has got quite a pile of them (hops). Went to prayer meeting in the Evening. It is Laura Luddens Birthday today.

Monday, September 15, Tuesday 16, Wednesday 17, Thursday 18, Friday, 19 [no entry]

Saturday, 20
Got up about 6 oclock. Went over to Joseph Shultes. Got there just at Breakfast. Helped thrash untill Noon. After dinner raked Buckwheat till night. Came home and went over street. Bought a quart of peaches for 6 cts. and a collar for 12 cts. 2 extra peaches for 3 cts.

Sunday, September 21, Monday 22, Tuesday 23, Wednesday 24, Thursday 25 [no entry]

Friday, 26
Finished cleaning up Buckwheat and drawed in some Beanes. Jesse and Alonzo came down here to see me about Enlisting. Went home fixed and went over street. Jesse Alonzo and myself were sworn in in Hiram Willseys Store. Went to Choir meeting at Mr. Luddens. Had a good time.

Saturday, September 27
Got up as usual. Ate Breakfast and went over to J. D. Woods. Jesse and myself came back. Stopped at Charles Bells. Harvey is gaining very slow. Daniel Stiner Enlisted this morning. Also Issac Dietz. Spent 21 cts.

Sunday, 28
Went to meeting as usual. A stranger preached a Mr. Lachrow. After dinner went to Meeting at the Dutch Reformed church. After church stopped into Ira Engles. Had some singing. They were all very sociable but Lib. However I enjoyed myself very well considering the circumstances. Got home about 9.

Monday, 29
Jesse ate dinner with me. After dinner, started for the Vilage. Jesse stopped to talk with Addie. While waiting for him a dipper fell out the chamber window. Went and picked it up and carryed it full of water up stairs (& Jesse). Armilla Bedell was up there. Addie came up. Also, Ida Mann & Alonzo. Stayed all after noon. Enjoyed myself. First rate.

Tuesday, Sept. 30
Yesterday settled up with Mr. Patten. He owed me 3.00. Settled up with Joseph I. Shultes. He paid me 10.50. Helped fix the tables for the celebration. Joel Willson David Gathan were in the U. S. Service tonight. Spent the Evening at Mr. Luddens. Addie & Lib were thare. Had an excellent time

Wednesday, October 1
Nothing important to write. Spent the Evening at the Store of A. W. Ball. Spent 35 cts. for Sugar & peaches.

Thursday, 2
Went over to the Vilage about noon. Bought some powder & shot and a box of caps Amounting to 34 cts. Stopped at Mr. Luddens. Jesse and Alonzo fired my gun off. 1 apiece. Went a hunting. Did not shoot anything. Peter caught 6 eels today.

Friday, October 3
Went down Street. Found Jesse in Chancy Bells playing dominoes. Went from thare to the grist mill. Edwin Settle from Peoria has bought the mill. The Wagons are coming & Going with Buckwheat all the while. Alonzo has got the quinzy sore throat. I have been practiceing with my pistol some today.

Saturday, 4
Helped trim the flower wreath at Mr. Luddens. They have concluded to have the Celebration today. Jesse and myself carried the Sunday School Banner. Had a good time down in the Grove. Jerome came home from Cohoes to day. Spent the Evening at Amose Balls. A large company was out. Enjoyed myself very much. Got home 11 oclock.

Sunday, 5
Went to Sunday School & meeting. Mr. Ludden had a good sermon. After dinner Jerome came down to our house and we called at A. P. Luddens. Laura promised me her photograph. Jesse came along about 4 oclock. Went with him over Street to Chancy Bells. He came back with me as far as Engles. Went to meeting in the Evening at the Methodist Church.

Monday, October, 6
Got up about 6 oclock. Milked 1 cow. Ate Breakfast and went over street. Found Jesse at Chancy Bells. Henry Crary was down from Knox. Came home after dinner. Husked out 3 stacks of corn. Spent the Evening at home.

Tuesday, 7
Went to Ira Engles to an Applecut. All the Vilage girls were thare. Had an excellent time. John Dearstine and John Ball horses broke loose and broke the fence down.

Wednesday 8, Thursday, October 9 [no entry]

Friday, 10
Jerome Ball left for the seat of war today.

Saturday, 11 [no entry]

Sunday, October 12
Went to meeting at our church. Thare was a great many there. Rev. Adam Crounse preached from Romans 8 chapter and 24 verse. For we are saved by hope! The Sacrement was Administered to day. John Shultes joined the church.

Monday, 13
Went over to the Vilage. George A Simons came down for the purpose of Enlisting. We hitched up his horse to A P Luddens wagon and started for Knox (Jesse included) in a heavy shower. Got thare 12 oclock. Filled out our papers and were all sworn in for the Town of Knox. 7 of us.

Tuesday, 14 Got up as usual. Ate Breakfast and went over to the Vilage. Had my hair cut at A. W. Balls for 10 cts. Jesse and myself came over to Engles. Mr. Chamberlain and wife were thare. Went on over as far as Bedells and were Invited in. Had a very good time.

Wednesday, October 15
Bought some crackers & Cheese at A. W. Balls for 6 cts. Called at Ira Engles about 3 oclock. Ate supper thare. Went to a party at Bedells. C. E. Dietz & Kate pushed over the stove and upset things generaly. Had a good time. Got home 11 oclock.

Thursday, 16
Arose as usual. After Breakfast started for the Vilage. Met Captain Morgan L. Filkins on his way to A. P. Luddens to see Alonzo. He has promised him 4th sergant of Co. G. Spent the Evening at Lorenzo Bedells. Did not enjoy myself tiptop (spent 23 cts.).

Friday, 17
Arose as usual. Ate Breakfast and started for Knox. Stopped at C. G. Bells and got the rest of the Boys and walked up to Knox. Ate dinner at Henry Crarys. Hitched up our horses and started for Albany. Got there about 4 oclock. Ate Supper at C ? Houcho. Went to the Gaiety.

Saturday, October 18
Got back to the Hotell. Busy night. About 1 oclock went to bed. Did not rest very good. Went down to head quarters and was examined and mustered in. Bought a colts Revolver for 13.00. Also a soldiers Knife for 1.00.

Sunday, 19
Went up to Troy on the Stage. Called on G. S. Kenyon, A. G. Gardiner & Hatfield.

Monday, 20
Marched down street with the Expectation of getting our uniforms but came back without any.

Tuesday, October 21
Whether Wether wether [appears to be practicing spelling- Al Deitz]

Wednesday, 22
Started for Headquarters about 8 oclock. Lieut. Bennet Formed our Company and marched to the Barracks and dismissed us for Awhile. About 10 oclock our Company was called up to drill. Got our uniform at Last to night.

Thursday, 23
Bought some fixings for my cap amounting to 10 cts. Saw the Circus come in and went to one in the Evening -The Hifa? zononiedon. Went to Dan Ricees in the evening. Got the worth of my money and more to. Got Acquainted with Mr. Oliver - Libby St. Johns uncle.

Friday, October 24
Arose as usual. Ate Breakfast at Hagers. Went down to the county treasures office and were paid our county bounty. A 50 Dollar treasure note. Went to the Bank and had it changed. Bought a vest for 8 dollars. Had my Ambra Tipe taken.

Saturday, 25
Spent the afternoon at home. Went to D. Engles to a party. Enjoyed myself first rate. Thare were a great many thare. Jessie D. Wood went home with L. P. Ludden. Worked on L. R. Engle house. He might perhaps for the last time. But I have hopes this war will not last long. Then I shall be home agn.

Sunday, 26
Went to church this morning. Mr. Ludden had a very smart discourse. Took dinner to H. W. Ball. Came back. Stopped to Engles. Spent the afternoon. The girls feels very sober. Did not talk much. I suppose they felt bad. At least they said so. Lib thinks she can easily realize that in coming days. She shall never forget this day.

Monday, October 27
Called at Mr. Luddens Engles and Bidells. Started for Albany about 10 oclock. Stopped at W. Strevels and warmed. Arived at Arnans about 1 oclock. Ate dinner and started on. Reached Albany about 4 oclock. Called at Denisons and got our "Va. Cartes de. Visile"? and sent 5 out to Berne. 2 to Engles 1 to Luddens 1 to Bedells and 1 to Kate St. John.

Tuesday, 28
Bought a testament at Fisks Bookstore for 25 cts. Spent the evening at the gaiety.

-"a testament"- This pocket sized Bible that he carried during his service in the Civil War is currently with the diary.[Al Deitz]

Wednesday, 29
Started for the Barracks about 7 oclock. The guard passed us in without a pass. 9 oclock our company was called out to drill after dinner. Stood guard 8 hours altogether. The Sargent of the guard took away my gun but he won't get it again if I can help it.

Thursday, October 30
We had Batalion drill this Afternoon. The Lient. Col. Major Adjunet & several officers were present. The Supervisor of Knox paid us our Bounty 100 Doll today. I sent it all out to Mr. Ludden to keep for me By Paul Schomaker. Had my blanket marked for 12 cts.

Friday, 31
Nothing important to write. Drilled as usual. Spent about 37 cts.

Saturday, Nov. 1
Arose as usual. Went up to the wash room. Washed and combed and felt much Better. Had Batalion drill this Afternoon. We had only 8 men present. The rest were on guard or passed out. Got a Letter from Kate St. John and was much pleased with it.

Sunday, November 2
Got up as usual. It does not seem like Sunday. The men are playing cards and all kinds of tricks. About 2 oclock the Companys were formed to Attend meeting. The Chaplain had a good Discourse.

Monday, 3
Drilled About 3 1/ 2 hours today.

Tuesday, 4 [no entry]

Wednesday, November 5
Awoke about 7 oclock. Folded our Blankets. Washed and started for Breakfast. Jesse and myself concluded not to eat at the Barraks. Went back and got Breakfast at the sutlers[a civilian provisioner to an army post- per Collegiate Dictionary]. Lieut. Bennet gave 4 of us a pass to the city to report at 7 oclock tomorrow morning.
[More November 5, 1862 entry written in the back of the diary- Al Deitz]
About noon as we were going to dinner, George Bedell drove up to the Barraks with Mrs. Bedell, Phena, and Laura Ludden. After dressparade Lieut. Bennet gave me , Jesse, Alonzo, and George Simons a pass to go to the City. Went down on State Street and bought a shirt for 2.50. Went to a show to see the Marnnled Woman. She weighs about 500 pounds. The largest woman I ever see. Bought a diary at Fisks Bookstore for 44 cts.

Thursday, 6
Arose as usual about 5 oclock. Got ready and started for the Barraks. Got thare about 6 & ate Breakfast. 9 oclock our company was called up to go on Guard. I was on the 2 Relief. It was bitter cold. Last night I bought a shirt for 2.00

Friday, 7
Came off guard 7 oclock and went to Breakfast. Thare has been a snow storm today. Co. F is on guard duty today. We slept 3 in a bunk. Spent about 30 cts.

Saturday, November 8
It is still very cold. Co. F is on guard.

Sunday, 9
About 10 oclock Lieut. White called up our company and told us that all that wished could go down street. About 40 went. Jesse and I went down to Denisans and had our pictures taked. Jesse had 2 Ambrotypes and I 1/2 Doz. photographs.

Monday, 10
Did not drill much today. Some of the boys had a row at the Bricks Barraks.

Tuesday, November 11, Wednesday 12, Thursday 13, Friday, November, 14, Saturday, 15 [no entry]

Sunday, 16
Ate Breakfast at the Barraks about 9 oclock. A squad formed to run the guard. I went out to see them. While thare I concluded to run with them. A Corporal chased us a while and then went back. Went acrosst the fields and came out at New Scotland. Ate dinner at Syman Sagers. Spent 45 cts. Hired a man at the Red store. Paid him 33 cts. Apiece.

Monday, November 17
Feel pretty tired. Called at Mr. Luddens and Engles. Spent the evening at home. Jesse went home with Armilla and William Shultes with Addie Engle.

Tuesday, 18
Arose as usual. Ate Breakfast and went over to the Vilage. Had my Boots tapped at Wm Reinharts. They cost me 81 cts. Rode Bedells horse over street. Coming back the horse that I had stepped through the Bridge and fell down on me. Spent the Evening at C. G. Bells. Had an Excellent time. Went home with Addie Engle.

Wednesday, 19
Spent the Forenoon at Hiram Willseys Store. About 1 oclock Jesse and I started for Bedells. Met Armilla and her mother going over to the Vilage. Stopped in to Engles and took tea thare. Wrote the verses of Kingdoms Coming. Enjoyed myself tip top. Spent the Evening at Immogenes. 3 couple present. Had a very good time. Got home 12.

Thursday, 20
Went over to the Vilage about 9 oclock. Bought an inkstand and several other trinkets for 28 cts. Spent the Afternoon at Lorenzo Bedells. Imogene W. was thare. About 4 went home and got some supper and started for Engles. Met Jesse by the Church. We went in. Addie, Lib and I called on Kate St. John. I was Hamsomely entertained. Went home 10 oclock.

Friday, 21
Called at Mr. Luddens & Engles. Laura Ludden gave me her photograph. Addie and Lib a lock of their hair. As they were doing it up the stage came along. Bid them good bye and started. Got over to the Vilage and concluded not to go with the stage.Wm Addams locked us in.

Saturday, 22
I am in the........[no more written here for this day, but an entry was made at the back of the diary for Nov. 21,22-Could not read the first two sentences-Al Deitz]
...about 4 o'clock Capt. Filkins and Lieut. Bennet came up in the guardroom and took us out. Went down to supper and then to our quarters. Capt. Filkins passed 6 of us to the city. Bought a portfolio and 2 Books. Also a lead pencil for 12 and spent the Evening at the theater. Spent 40 cts.

Sunday, November 23
Awoke about 7 oclock. Dressed and went down to Breakfast. After Breakfast paid my bill Amounting to 43 cts. and started for the Barraks. Got thare just in time for guard mounting. Was put on the 3 relief. Spent 16 cts.

Monday, 24
Came off guard about 9 oclock. Capt. Filkins passed our company outside the gate to report at 3 oclock. [Unable to read more--too faded. But in pages at the end of the diary another entry was dated Nov. 24, 1862--Al Deitz]
Bought a ticket at the office and started for Cohoes. Reached there about 2 1/2 o'clock. Called at Greens. Miss Green gave me an apple ? and I started for Jonus Simmons. Saw Arvilla. Bid her goodbye and started back for Troy. Rode Back with a man from Waterford. Went down with the Stage. My eyes are quit sore. Called at A. G. Gardnier. When we started for home, she kissed me good Bye. (Francis Kenyon) Stayed at Jarred Blaises all night.

Tuesday, 25, Wednesday, November 26, Thursday, 27, Friday, 28 [Too faded to read--Al Deitz]

Saturday, November 29
Came off Guard 11 oclock that night. Tried to sleep but could not. Mounted Guard 9 oclock. Our Indian rubber blankets were distributed after Guard mounting. Went on Batallion drill with our knapsacks on. Drilled until dark. Captain Filkins passed a lot of us out to the city about 6 oclock. Spent the Evening at the panorama. Enjoyed it wery much. Spent 61 cts.

Sunday, November 30
Went up to the Barraks after Breakfast. Got thare just as our company was going down to the city. Went back with them. Alonzo, Sargent Simmons and myself went down to Denisons and had 2 Ambrotypes taken. Alonzo and I went to meeting at the 1st Prespetarian Church. Lost one Ambrotype.

December Monday 1
Went on Battalion drill after dinner and drilled all Afternoon. About 9 oclock was suprised to See Jesse and Charley Hockstrasser come walking in straight as you please. Went to bed about 10 oclock. Slept quite good.

Tuesday, December 2
Went on Battalion drill 2 oclock and drilled until dark. After supper Capt. Filkins passed a lot of us out to the city Bourding bed. 700 of Darine Fairley ? Bought 1/4 lb. powder boxcaps and some Lead. Also, a Dime book 10 cts. Amount 62. Went to the Polarium. Enjoyed it first rate.

Wednesday, 3
Went on guard 9 oclock on the first relief. Co. G are on guard with us. Called at the hospital to see Daniel Stiner. He is quite Sick. He caught a cold and it settled in his back. Jesse wrote a letter out to Berne for him. Dec.---3, 1862 Albany Barraks.

Thursday, 4
Arouse as usual. Ate Breakfast 9 oclock. Our company went on Guard. I was on the 1st Relief. Post 23 behind the Washrooms. It has been quite cold today. Got a letter from Addie and was much pleased with it. About 8 oclock Jacob Zimmer and myself were taken to the guard house for Carelessly Breaking a window Sash. Was in about an hour.

Friday, December 5
Came off Guard 5 oclock. We made camp fires on our beats and was quite comfortable. Wrote a letter to Addie. (came down street. Took our letters down to the office and went to the polyramma. Paintings on canvas of several battles of the war. The battle between the Merimack and monitor was one. It was tip top.

Saturday, 6
Went on Batallian drill after dinner. Drilled until night. It is very cold and today our company had all been passed out but about 1/2 Doz. Slept very good.

Sunday, 7
About 10 oclock our company was passed out by Capt. Filkins. Went down to C. Houcks. As we neared the house I saw the ? of the fire. It Broke out about 3 oclock this morning. It Burned a shed and part of Shelitons store. Frederick Burbanks jumped out of the 3rd Story window on the ground. D. Fairley lost his uniform and all his clothes besides all his money.

Monday, December 8
Stopped at C. L. Browns last night. Slept very good. Started for the Barraks about 8 oclock. Got thare in time for guard mounting. Was put on the 2nd Relief. post 8. The guard Slept in the washroom. Did not rest very good. (we built a fire on post 7 and all Appropriated it to our use)

Tuesday, 9
Capt. Filkins threatened Charles Hungerford and myself the guard House for Breaking our guns but did not. Our company all went down street again after Guard mounting. Saw Thomas G. Hover and his brother Daniel Hersclir and several others from Berne. Went up to the Barraks about 2 o'clock and went to bed.

Wednesday, 10
Arose quite refreshed by a good nights rest. Went to breakfast. Went out on a company drill. Drilled until about noon. Then went to dinner. About 2 1/2 I dressed for Batallion drill. The Col. kept us moving until it was dark. To Barr. for one.

Thursday, December 11
Arose as usual. Ate Breakfast. Went out on batallion drill. After dinner part of our company were transfered to Co. H. Did not like it as well as in our company. Came off drill about 5 oclock. Went to supper on Double quick. Jumped the fence by the gate and went down to the city. Spent 10 cts. Stayed at V. Bearoleys? all night.

Friday, 12
Started for the Barraks about 8 oclock. Got thare safe about 2 oclock. Went out on Batallion drill. Drilled until after sundown. Went to supper. Came back. Lit the candle and read some in my Bible and some in the U. S. Tactics. Sung some pieces. I would like to be in Berne tonight.

Saturday, 13
About 1 oclock Capt. Filkins called out our company to Get ready for the funeral of Edward Thornton-a member of our company. Marched down Lydudas St acrost Plain St. up State and Washington St. in the following order. 1st drummers 2nd two sections of Soldiers led the Hearse. 42 Ma. Section. It was a Sallom scene.

Sunday, December 14
Came off Guard about 9 oclock. Sargent Wood and a squad have gone out to Berne after Jesse Wood and John Ball and others of our company. Got a pass and went down to the city. Went to church in Sengudy St. Marching orders were read at dress parade and were recieved with applause by the regiment. Spent 43 cts.

Monday, 15
Went down on state st. and bought several trinkets Amounting to 21 cts. Started for the Barraks about 9. The regiment is to leave tomorrow at 9 AM for the seat of war.

Tuesday, 16
Formed a Regimental line and left Albany Barraks. Marched down Sugdus and State to the ferry. Embarked on the Hudson river rail road amid the booming of cannon and cheers from the regiment & friends. J. Tompkins & Hallenbeck got in a fight with some of Co.E. men and licked them. Arrived in York about 2 oclock.

Wednesday, 17
Arrived at the park Barraks this morning about 2 oclock. Got our rations and laid down on the tables and went to sleep. Woke rather early. Washed and ate Breakfast. Run the guard and bought 21 lbs. of Balls for 30 cts. Started for the Boat about 4 'oclock. Went on Board.

Thursday, 18
Set sail about 2 'oclock in the Steamer Merimack with Sealed orders. Destination unkown to the men. The day was fine and we had Splendid view of the Harbor. Passed fort Hamilton & Layfette quite early and was soon out of sight of land.

Friday, 19
I am getting awfull sick about noon. Cast up accounts afterwich I felt better. A sailor brought some apples down in our quarter and sold them for 5 cts. apiece. Bought 2. Slept very good.

Saturday, 20
Feel a great deal better. Was up on deck about all day. Saw several Sail to day. Towards night the shaft of one of the engines broke. Thare is about 1,800 men on board. 500 Zouaves & 2 companes of Connetticut troops besides our Regt.

-"Zouaves"- Members of a French infantry unit orig. composed of Algerians wearing a brilliant uniform and conducting a quick spirited drill-or-Members of a military unit adopting the dress and drill of the Zouaves. [from the Collegiate Dictionary]

Sunday, 21
Signaled for a pilot early in the day about 2 oclock. The pilot came aboard when we started for Hilton head. Did Inlet about 3 oclock. Came in sight of fort Wells formerly Fort Walker. Anchored and fixed for landing. Saw several men of War. The Major Washburn was one.

Monday, 22
Awoke rather early. Packed our knapsacks and got ready to go ashore. 2 tugs and a Steamer ferryed us over. Formed a line of battle and marched up in vilage. After much Delay the regiment was dismissed for awhile. Went down to the sutlers and bought some cake and chese amounting to 40 cts. Looked around and..... [end of entry for the day-Al Deitz]

Tuesday, 23
Went ashore about 9 oclock. Broke ranks on the pier. Jesse Settle and myself took a walk down the beach. Came back about 11 oclock and went up in Battery Hunter and wrote a letter home (on one of the large guns). Spent the rest of the day Hunting Oyesters and looking around.

Wednesday, 24
Went on one of the Steams tugs and went ashore. formed a line and marched upon the Island. Drilled til noon. When Colonel dismissed us for an hour, went up to the 76 pensylvannia and they gave some of our boys dinner. They are a clever lot of men. It is very hot today.

Thursday, 25
The regiment got double rations this morning. 8 crackers, 1 cup of coffee and a Piece of salt meat. Most of the regt. went ashore this morning. We expect to leave Hilton Head in a day or two. The Sailors in the harbor expect the rebel ram State of Georgia any day from Savannah and are ready to give them a warm reception. Thare are 8 or 10 men of war in the Harbor now.

Friday, December 26
The regiment did not go ashore today. Spent the day lounging about on deck and in our bunks. It is very Hot here now a days. As warm as it is in Summer up north. I suppose there is Sleying in Berne now, or at least it is very cold.

Saturday, 27

Went ashore on Hilton Head about 10 oclock. Marched up in the vilage opposite Fort Wells(amounts about 20 guns as near as I can judge)were we had regimental Inspection. The surgeon ordered us all up on the beach to take a salt water Bath which we liked very well. Only it was very cold.

Sunday, 28
A pilot came on board after dinner and we started on our Journey just 2 oclock. We soon left Hilton Head in the rear. Was out of sight of land about 4 oclock. It is very pleasant on deck. Warm as summer. The chaplain read a chap. in the testament and made a prayer which I enjoyed very much.

Monday, December 29
Nothing important to write today. Spent the day on deck reading and writing a letter to Kate W. Jesse is busy writing a letter out to Berne and don't notice anyone much. In the evening Jesse came over to our Bunk and we sung several Hyms which reminded us of old Berne.

Tuesday, 30
We are now off the coast of Florida. It is a very pleasant day. Warm as the Hottest days in Summer up to York State. We have seen several sail today. Spent the day reading on deck. The water is very Bad and Scarce.

Wednesday, 31
Was on deck last night until 12 oclock. I went down in my bunk and went to sleep about 1 oclock. All of a sudden our bunke broke down. I took my Knap sack and Blanket and went on deck again and tried to sleep. The wind was blowing quite a gale and the ship piching and rolling about as though it had to. I was on deck about 2 hours and then went Below and Slept untill morning. When I awoke I was dreadful sick.

Transcribers notes: This is not the last entry made by George Warner in his 1862 diary. He continued making entries until January 5, 1863 before he transferred them into his new 1863 diary. The entries for January 1-5, 1863 are practically identical to those found in "No Sabbath On The Battlefield-The Diary of a Union Soldier From Berne, New York." (1863) We refer you to that diary to continue the story of George Warner who had now become a Civil War soldier. It too can be found on this website.

George made entries in the "Memoranda" section in the back of his 1862 diary. Quotations from those pages are included here because of their historical value and interest. Also included is a photocopy of a page of an original diary entry he made. It will give the reader an appreciation of the excellent penmanship with which he wrote his diary.( Some was done in ink and some in pencil.)

Transcribing several months and annotating this diary after Berne Town Historian Ralph Miller and his wife Jan got it started by transcribing January through early June was an educational and very interesting experience for me. Not only because the writer was the brother of my great grandmother Carrie Warner Dietz, but because one can get the feel for the daily life of Berne in 1862 when it was a growing and vibrant community facing the effects of the Civil War as seen through the eyes of a 16 year old young man.

G. H. Warners birthday August 23. Jesse D. Woods August 11. Miss Sarah P. Bedells Oct. 28. Miss Adelaide Engles April 18. Clara Hochstrassers July 8. Adaline Bogorduses 11 do. A. G. Luddens 28th February. Laura J. Luddens Sept. 14. Libbi Engle Jan. 4.

Jerome Ball left Berne for Cohoes April 11 for the purpose of Learning the Sash and Blind trade. He came home on a visit July 1. and went back July 7 1862. Mr. Ludden got his piano July 15. The Berne War Meeting was held July 25 at C. G. Bells. $554.50 was subscribed. William Wilber enlisted July, 28 at Albany. Lucius Ball Enlisted July, 31 at Albany./Henry Post August 2 at Berneville. 1 Class Head Marks 7 times.

March 4, 1862- It is estimated that the War has cost Virginia $10,000,000. The Battle at Fort donalson was fought on the 14. 15. 16. Surrendered on the 16 at 9 oclock A.M. The Battle of Bever Creek June 26, 1862. The Battle of the chickahoming June 27. Savage Station 28. Malvern Hill July 1. Bull Run Aug. 28. 29. 30. William McCulloch Enlisted July. at Albany. John B. Shultes August 15.

Jerome Ball and A. Brown came out to Berne August 2. Got my Boots August 23. They cost 3.75. Bought a port monie for 43 1/2 Sept. 30. Sarah P. Bedells gave me her photograph August 3, 1862. Steven Dodge, Clifton Park, Saratoga Co. N.Y. Bought a knife and fork and Revolver for 14 Dollars October 18,1862. Left New York Dec. 17, 1862. Left Hilton Head Dec. 28, 1862. Friday 21 left Berne the last time. Left carrolton January 9[1863]. The Kingdoms coming. Remember when far away. And you have me in your mind, What others may do or say Think not of me unkind. Gene W.

List of Soldiers in the Albany Co. Regiment from Berne Residence: Lucius Ball, Henry Ball, John B. Shultes, Charles Bogardus (all from Switzkill), William Mc Cullouch(Reidsville), William Wilbur, Henry Post Jacob Haverly (all from Berneville), Nelson Matice, Orville Merihue,William Haverly, William Blade( all from Peori), Elias Shafer (Switzkill), Sieas Barber, William Shultes, Adison Miller, James Fermin, G. H. Warner, J. D. Wood, Alonzo Ludden, George Stiner, David Stiner, Isac Dietz, Joel Wilson(all from Knox), David Gathan(Ren), Oct. 13-Albert Bell, Charles Hochstrasser, Charles Rinhart, William Bell, Norton Zeh.

[George listed these ladies names]- 1. Leouisa Shultes, 2. Armilla Bedell, 3. Addie Engle, 4. Laura Ludden, 5. Mary Gardiner[his half sister], 6. Kate Warner, &. Matila Warner, 8. Arvilla Green, 9. Eliga Blair, 10. Kate St. John, 11. Immogene Whipple, 12. Magalene Ball, 13. Susan Warner[his sister], 14. Libby Engle, 15. S. I. Bedell, Eslie Willsey, Clara Hochstrasser, Kate Kenyon.

George H. Warner Co. G 177th NYSP- Endfield Musket-Names of different camps-camp Parrafiet, La., camp Bonnet Cary, La., camp Washing, La.

[We end entries in the 1862 diary with a photocopy of an origional page to show the penmanship George possessed. Misspellings he made were not all that uncommon in 1862. The dictionary used to standardize the spelling of common words in the United States was relatively new.Webster came out with his comprehensive dictionary in 1928. Spelling words as they sounded was still common in George Warner's day.-Allan Deitz]



The 1863 Diary of George Warner tella of his life in the war until the summer when he becomes sick and is discharged to be returned home to Berne where he dies a short time later. The 1863 diary is under Local > Military> Civil War