
Berne Cemetery Detail

Huntersland Christian Cemetery (Union Cemetery)

Huntersland Road
Town of Berne, NY

GPS: 74.14.11W, 42.33.50 N
On County Rte. 10 in the hamlet of Huntersland, it straddles the Albany - Schoharie County line.
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Photo by: Barbara Bolster-Barrett
Entrance column
200 by 375 fett. Stone pillars at entrance. Huntersland Christian Cemetery is a long established and well-maintained cemetery. Earliest burial 1844. Per a meeting on September 25, 1893 the official name is The Union Cemetery Association of Huntersland. There are 305 filled plots. Burial range 1887 - 1956. Transcriptions of the tombstones posted on this site are courtesy of Steve and Anne LaMont.